Hello and welcome to my lil' place here in heaven er well the webernet, but anyway i just wanted to try and give a randome mix of info and the life of a otaku in the ARMY, ooo scary lol.. but anyway i will try my best to post on here as much as i can so feel free to look or lurk around. I should have some art up pretty soon too, keep on the look out for Punkrawk1982 or art by this person b/c is me!! yes me wonderful me lol but enough though srisly i hope you have a good day and if you have any comments please feel free to leave them.. i love comments thats what gets me throught my day...and alot of coffee lol
peace and PLUR
- Created By shinigami shadow
back again
well everyone.. if anyone is reading this.. I am back form some very long misisons and fried form school work as well..online college is not all that it seems..but anyway i just wanted to let everyone or anyone that im still around, just busy as all get out again.
Where do they come from??
ok.. so you must be asking where does what come from??? why I will tell you, the drawings on the bathroom walls!! Why you ask I am talking about this, it seems as if that drawing on bathroom walls is a past time of most soldiers here in iraq, the row of port o johns out here by where I work is the art dept for my battailon....lol...but no really, did the cavemen do it and it has just been a fad ever since? or was it some alien that came from space and drew all over the walls when the piramids were bing built?? who knows, but they sometimes make for a good laugh. I was going to post a piccy on here of the "art dept" but I can't army said soooo, I will have to find other means. well until later.
Ahh memories
SO last night..well I should say this morning i was digging through all my old bittorent/ fansub anime files and i came across rozen maiden...yes i know it has been lic her ein the states...but getting back to the point, I rememeber when I first watched it and it really didn't get into it, but i had seen many wall papers about and a few shines to shinku as well......if i find the links i will put them up for you....but watching it made me remeber the good days when I could sit and watch anime al day, not go to work and get away with it lol, not that the army is a hard life n all
, get up do a few push up's sit around, go home, repeat lol...but I had forgotten how draw in you can become with an anime if it hooks you on the first episode..i ended up going to bed around 6 or 7 am
It made me feel good just to bring back some good memories and reminded me what a good anime can do for a bad day as well.
ohio gozamasu!!
hello and welcome one and all to my vert first post and getting back to my roots as a otaku..OOOooOOo..and I'm a raver, yes odd mix huh O.o buy anywhoo, I plan on putting alot of stuff on here..i need to brush up on my drawing..alot..lol but if you are lurking, and i know you are if ytou are reading this, sign in my book let me know who you are, i am always looking for the next otaku to talk anime with...it's kinda hard in the army, not very many of us here at all. So about me, names mike, but my buddays call my huggie, but i love almost any anime or manga..yaoi
, not so much..but I am on gaia online, my SN is raveneyes91 im also on IMVU my SN is Bboy_Huggiebear look me up sometime im a night owl so im always around somewhere lol, but I hope when i start post in art, fan words, anyhting on here you al will enjoy it and much as i had making it.