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Furry-Chibi @ Est. 2006 External Image

Allow me to reintroduce myself!

| DOB: 11/25/93 [not a creep ^^;] | 16 years old | OTAKU LEGEND | Year of the Rooster | Sagittarius/Part Scorpius | Blood: AB+ | Asian [Chinese] | New York | Speaks Mandarin & English | Senior<3 [12th grade] | Violin | Marching Band | Procrastinator | Anime/Drama Lover | Asian Music<3 | Naruto | Black Cat | One Piece | Lots of Shoujo | Show Luo Is My Idol | More? Talk To Meh |
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Watashi wa Catherine desu, a.k.a. Furry-Chibi. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.

SHINee created one of the most eargasmic songs I've ever heard.

My WORLD is best viewed in a resolution that has a width of 1280 or more+.

*Couldn't Think Of A Title*

I'm soooooo boreddddddd!!!!!! >~<; But yesterday, I finally went to marching band practice. I still need more practice on my xylophone music. Hmm, but it's that's not the important thing. I'm gonna print out my chemistry homework cuz if I don't do it, I'm done for. The English homework... uhhh, don't really give a damn about it. xD But I probably have to do that too. Homework is ruining the end of my summer. T___T

I needa catch up on 100% Entertainment, Naruto, and Taiwanese Drama! Jeeez, homework is getting in the way. -shot so bad- Haha... .... yeah...

Homework, Eck

I have to print out my honors chemistry homework.... I left my original one back in China... xD -shot- So gotta start over. =____=;;; And then, the nasty English homework. Apparently the book is nowhere to be found in my town cuz the whole upcoming juniors who are taking regular English needs it. *sighs*

What to do.... what to dooooooo~~ *hoping I won't have to buy one*

I'm Backk In New Yorkkkk

Si, si, it's been awhile since I was in China so I just HAD to stay there longer. I stayed there for 2 months and 4 days, and let me tell you, it has been crazy. Good stuff and bad stuff all happened on this trip. Hmph, you wanna know something? I stepped off the airplane yesterday and sniffed the air. Thought to myself, "Pffttttt, the american air." -shot- Cuz I haven't been here in awhile. Haven't spoken english in awhile. *forgets half of my most fluent language* -shot so bad-

Anyways, I'll end this shortly cuz since I got back, all I've been doing is lazying around.. Needa go take a shower cuz I smell weird. o.O Bye!

Still In China??

I don't know if I mentioned this in my last post, but my trip has been delayed to August 27th instead of August 13th... the MAIN reason for this is cuz I needed to spend more time with my cousins. xD But of course, not gonna tell anyone that except you guys. c(= I was responsible for changing the dates so I had to, I mean, I need to hang out with them just a `lil bit longer. So, when I get back, I won't regret it.

Bad news is, I still haven't done a lot of homework. . . then there's marching band that I need major catching up on, and then going out and buy school supplies for school. Hmm, lots of stuff to do.

I only have a week left in China. I'm gonna buy lots of junk food. I just found out today there's chamomile and rose flavored gum... wow chinese people are creative... xD -shot- Well, just a few more days so I'll update again when I'm back in New York. Peace~~~

Almost Over

I think it's almost time for my vacation in China to end. Hmmm, pretty sad if you ask me. This trip wasn't very fantastic because of my mom's temper and other family bizz. o.O Hah, and you gotta add the fact I didn't do my summer reading and honors chemistry homework. -___-; Well, my greatest time here was when I went to the southern part of my city, the rural side. ^_^ Just cuz I have older cousins there and it's really fun cuz they'll stay up with me if I can't fall asleep. *sighs* Now, I'm not even allowed there cuz my mom thinks I'm an annoyance of some sort to them. Not even! >___> *huge sigh* Well, I think now is the time to buy stuff to bring back to New York. Then when I get back, needa go to the library to borrow that st00pid book for my summer project. I need some good luck...