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Furry-Chibi @ Est. 2006 External Image

Allow me to reintroduce myself!

| DOB: 11/25/93 [not a creep ^^;] | 16 years old | OTAKU LEGEND | Year of the Rooster | Sagittarius/Part Scorpius | Blood: AB+ | Asian [Chinese] | New York | Speaks Mandarin & English | Senior<3 [12th grade] | Violin | Marching Band | Procrastinator | Anime/Drama Lover | Asian Music<3 | Naruto | Black Cat | One Piece | Lots of Shoujo | Show Luo Is My Idol | More? Talk To Meh |
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Watashi wa Catherine desu, a.k.a. Furry-Chibi. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.

SHINee created one of the most eargasmic songs I've ever heard.

My WORLD is best viewed in a resolution that has a width of 1280 or more+.


Wowww, I lost 2 subscribers. xD Well, I haven't been interesting or updating soo it's understandable. Hmm, I've been excited for Inoue Joe's new singlee. It comes out tomorrow! :D *is happehh* & Since Hurricane Venus - BoA was leaked, I heard the full track. It sounds amaaaazinggg.!

Random Survey

Today, since I have access to the computer [my bro's since he's being super nice], I'll take advantage of it & kill time while doing this surveyyy. Stoleeelit from Shiii~

1. Perfect? - So far from ittt. XD
2. Tall? - 5'3 ... you tell me.
3. In your pajamas? - Nawh, shorts & t-shirtt.
4. Left handed? - Yessss, since I was a bebehhh. <3

1. Friend you saw: - Shiiii~
2. Talked to on the phone: Melissa, I think.
3. Person to text you: I forgott. XD
4. Was today better than yesterday? Yesss, definitelyyyy.

1. Number(s): - 4, 1, 25.
2. Color(s): - I like bluee the most but all the colors. :D not too much of pink though.
3. Fruit: - APPPLEE.. && strawberries.... pineapple, watermelon... guava, & grapes. :D
4. Place: - New York.

1. Are you missing someone right now? - yes
2. Are you happy? - just in a normal mood.
3. Are you sad? - nopeee :D
4. Are you bored? - yess, though I shouldn't be. SAT work....
6. Are you nervous? - not really. only when mawh father gets back.
8. Are you tired? - nope. eatin' pocky & full o' energyy.

2. Drinking? Waterr. <3
3. I'm about to: go watch Suite Life On Deck. YES, I watch shows other than asian drama & anime.
4. Listening to? Super Juniorrr songs.
5. Plans for today? watching TV for the rest of the night.

1. Drank bubbles? most definitely... but what kind? xD
2. Lost glasses/contacts? - Yeahh, glasses. I've broken them by accident too.
3. Ran away from home?- Sometimes... but I get indecisive when hunger strikes. Home always has food.
4. Broken someone's heart? Nopee, never been in love. :D
5. Been arrested? One day.

1. Miracles? - Yes.
2. Yourself? - Sometimes.
3. Heaven? - Definitely.
4. Santa Claus? When I was a weee child.
5. Love? - Always.
6. Do you like someone? - Just Asian celebrities. <3
7. Do you believe in God? - Nopeee.
8. Answered the truth on all questions? - Durrrrrh,

Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Used the bathroom cuz mawh stomach was cramping up soo bad. XD
Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: Stupid SAT's threatening to ruin my vacation.
Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: Underdoggg. XD
Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: Marching band practice.
Q. Do you smile a lot?
A: Yess, on daily basis.
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: I wish upon stars even if I don't see it. Well, I have glow-in-the-dark stars in my room so technically, yes, I do wish upon the star every night. -fail cuz I live in a suburban area with not enough stars -
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Alwaysss. If I meet a stranger, it would be an awkward friendly.
Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: My bed of course... but usually the sofa in the summer since my room would be hot but lately, it's been breezy.
Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: A few days ago... cuz of threatening parents over SAT's... and saying stupid stuff to me. blahblahblah asfdkjdlsa;jf.
Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: Probably about Asians. I dreamt about them right after.
Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: Well life is kinda not good right now. Possibly 4-5.
Q: What do you hear right now?
A: My brother playing PS2.
Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: Nope.
Q: What's your favorite month?
A: November!
Q: What did you do last night?
A: Watch TV.

Show's Birthday!

Yess, my idol turned 31 a few hours ago but here in America, it's his birthday right now soooo YAYYY! :D I wished him a happy birthday before I went to sleep last night. ROFL.

Besides that, I've been loving SHINee lots at the moment & it's STILL a bummer cuz I can't go to that SM World Tour Concert. -___- Like, I'm in NY & it's all the way in LA. -___- Wellllll, if possibly one day they're in NY, I'm going no matter what holds me back. Haha anyways, Happy Birthday Showw, mawh love!

Sneaking On To Zeh O~

The title explains the topic. My computer has been sent off into my lonely garage. *on mom's laptop* Now for the reason. SHIT, I needa hurry before I'm caught. *ahem* Well, yeah, my parents don't approve of my SAT score so now I'm forced to study lots everyday otherwise I'll be going to prep school which I'm totally against. That's all for now. More when I get the chanceee.~

Taemin's Birthday!

Todayyyyy, it's dearest Taemin's birthday! It's actually really cool cuz tomorrow, SHINee is releasing their new album. So Taemin gets to have a kickass party! ^_^ Ahhh, I hope he has a wonderful birthday!