I feel that my WORLD, introduction, background, & banners/images are all sooo olddd. I want some change. When I manage to come out of my lazehh-ness, I'll recreate my WORLD. I hope you guys are as excited as I am! [/probably not since it's my WORLD, LOL] Welllll, that's itt~ By the way, if you haven't already, check out my newest e-card, featuring Kim Hyun Joong, the lovely leader of SS501. <3

I wonder why I have 71 subscribers, yet only about 4-6 of them actually look at my submissions. I always look at what my subscriptions have submitted & make sure I hug it at the least. I think it's just a little bit disappointing. But it is what it is & I really can't do anything about it sooo oh welll. -___-
Wellll, I made a new e-card! ^_^ Please check it out~

By the way, I don't know why but everything I make looks really bad in .jpg form so please view the .png version to see the best quality of all of my e-cards.
I'm going to a graduation party in a few minutes. ^_^ I've been sitting by my computer for the past week doing nothing but watching drama, eating, & sleeping. Finally, this weekend & upcoming week is full of plans & I'm super excited! But I still would just sit at my computer & watch drama since it's an important part of 'me'. It just is. XD Welll, time to go!
I got mawhh results back two days ago. I gotz a 3. 4 on the Aural part & 2[yikess ;;] on the non-Aural part. Uh, is that good? xD But I gotta congrats Shi Bum on getting 4's & a 5 on her AP tests. Smartass you are, bum. ^_^ Let's go out & do something to celebrate that.
Taken from Blue Latte. :3 I'm a Tsukkomi. o.O But I think I'ma Tsunderekko. Haha~~
Tsunderekko (Harsh Outside-Gentle Inside)
[X] You come off as sort of aloof to other people.
[X] In public, you intentionally refrain from showing much weakness.
[X] You have a secret obsession with something cute.
[X] You pretend that you hate your crush even though you really love him/her.
[X] You blush when people point out your sensitivities.
[ ] You blush when people tell sexual jokes.
Total: 5
Yanderekko (Gentle Outside-Harsh Inside)
[X] You’re very sweet and kind in public.
[ ] When romance becomes a topic of discussion, people say your personality changes drastically.
[X I'm Asian. End of Story.] You know some sort of martial art, swordplay, or otherwise.
[ ] You have a crush who you’d literally kill for.
[X] You have a pet-peeve that makes you snap.
[ ] Bipolar?
Total: 3
Meganekko (Girl-with-Glasses Character)
[X] You have glasses.
[X] You can sometimes be clumsy, ditzy, or absent-minded.
[ ] You are always very polite in your speech.
[X] You are fairly intelligent in some field.
[ ] You take discipline seriously.
[X] You have some sort of fetish for something.
Total: 4
Tsukkomi (Angry Guy)
[X] You have a friend who often makes dumb or embarrassing remarks.
[X] You smack/beat up this friend in some way.
[X] You do your best to maintain a calm facade, only to be thwarted by this friend.
[X] If you & your friend were a yin-yang, you’d be the “yang”.
[X] You swear a lot.
[X] You try to bring out the more serious side of your ridiculous friend.
Total: 6
Boke (Dumb Guy)
[X] You often make silly or embarrassing comments.
[X] You like annoying the heck out of your best friend.
[X] You often get beaten up by your friend in some way, but you take it in good stride.
[ ] If you & your friend were a yin-yang, you’d be the “yin”.
[X] You are normally very laid back and carefree.
[X] You try to bring out the happier side of your angry friend.
Total: 5
Nadeshiko (Perfect Wife)
[ ] You are always, almost overly polite.
[ ] You love traditional Japanese culture.
[ ] You often wear either a kimono, yukata (summer cotton kimono), or apron.
[X] You’re an excellent cook.
[ ] You are hardly ever angry.
[X] You have really long hair.
Total: 2
Tomboy Character
[X] You feel comfortable in boy’s clothing.
[Tomboys don't needa have short hair. >__>] You have short hair.
[X] You have a crush whom you act friendly with rather than romantically.
[ ] You are really good at sport/s.
[X] You are admired by girls and boys for your talents, though you’re sort of in denial.
[X] You show your girly features on rare occasions.
Total: 4
Sexy Character
[ ] Your bust/package is...formidable.
[ ] You like making sexual innuendos.
[X] You encourage trips to the beach, pool, or onsen (hot springs).
[X] There are some sexual things that you are ignorant to or need explained to you.
[ ] You’re an expert cosplayer.
[X] You like the taste of alcohol.
Total: 3
And at last...Lolita/Shota Character
[X] You like sweets or chocolate.
[ ] You adore cute things and/or the word “kawaii”.
[ ] You use Japanese suffixes like “-chan,” “-tan,” “-sempai,” etc...
[ ] You add unnecessary suffixes to the ends of your sentences, like “nyo,” “nyu,” “un,” etc...
[X] You are considered gullible or naive.
[X] You have a tall/powerful friend who protects you.
Total: 3
This Taiwanese drama has completely taken over my life. xD I love it so much~ *squeals* This is the threequel to KO One & X-Family [I've watched both] & even though this threequel came out last year, I waited until all have finished broadcasting so I can just watch them one by one straight through. I'ma pro drama watcher [& also anime, hehe]. YES, so this drama is based off of the Three Kingdoms of the Dynasty Era with a big twist. If you guys don't know what that is, then if you played Dynasty Warriors on PS2, you might know. I'm just being a big drama nerd right now but I LOVE TAIWANESE DRAMA SO MUCHHH! *calms down* So anyways, here's the show (I've shown you guys last year before this came out):

I love the soundtracks, music, opening & ending theme songs, actors, and the twist in the story line as well. It's just one absolutely amazing drama I'll never forget. My favoritefavoritefavorite character in this drama is not the main character, which is rare for me. :O *gaspeffff* He's the love rival of the main character. I never like the love rival. He's always the one I hate. >:O But in this case, ohmylord I love him to death. xD *not fangirling not fangirling not fangirling DEFINITELY NOT FANGIRLING*

Name: Xie Kun Da [English name is Penny] He's realllyy handsome & adorable... in my opinion at least. Haha~~ Well, this was just a rant post. & I probably fangirled just a tad, which I hate about myself but I couldn't help it. ^^; Going back to watch it so hope your summers are going great like mine, although I can go out more than just stay at home & watch drama. Haha, peacee&lovee.~