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Furry-Chibi @ Est. 2006 External Image

Allow me to reintroduce myself!

| DOB: 11/25/93 [not a creep ^^;] | 16 years old | OTAKU LEGEND | Year of the Rooster | Sagittarius/Part Scorpius | Blood: AB+ | Asian [Chinese] | New York | Speaks Mandarin & English | Senior<3 [12th grade] | Violin | Marching Band | Procrastinator | Anime/Drama Lover | Asian Music<3 | Naruto | Black Cat | One Piece | Lots of Shoujo | Show Luo Is My Idol | More? Talk To Meh |
Ask for: | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr |

Watashi wa Catherine desu, a.k.a. Furry-Chibi. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.

SHINee created one of the most eargasmic songs I've ever heard.

My WORLD is best viewed in a resolution that has a width of 1280 or more+.

I've Done 72 Out Of 129 Stupid Things. Does This Mean I'm Badass?

Stole this from Angel Zakuro! :D

Level 1:

() Smoked a cigarette
() Smoked a cigar
() Kissed a member of the same sex [unless they count family members]
(X) Drank alcohol

Total: 1

Level 2:

() Are/Been in love
() Been dumped
(x) Shoplifted (I was a very obnoxious child, yeah I'm ashamed too!)
() Been fired
(x) Been in a fist fight (with brother, haha I'm not that badass)

Total: 3

Level 3:

(X) Had a crush an older person (PSH, yeah. xD Especially the Asian celebrites.)
(X) Skipped school
() Slept with a co-worker
(X) Seen something/someone die

Total: 6

Level 4:

(x) Had a crush on one of your facebook friends
() Been to Paris
() Been to Spain
(X) Been on a plane
() Thrown up from drinking

Total: 8

Level 5:

(X) Eaten sushi
() Been snowboarding
() Met someone BECAUSE of facebook/myspace
() Been in a mosh pit

Total: 9

Level 6:

(x) Taken pain killers
(x) Loved/liked someone you can't have
(x) Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
(x) Made a snow angel

Total: 13

Level 7:

() Had a tea party
() Flown a kite
(X) Built a sand castle
() Gone mudding
(X) Played dress up

Total: 15

Level 8:

(X) Jumped into a pile of leaves
() Gone sledging
(X) Cheated while playing a game
(X) Been lonely
(X) Fallen asleep at work/school

Total: 19

Level 9:

(X) Watched the sunset
() Felt an earthquake
(X) Killed a snake

Total: 21

Level 10:

(X) Been tickled
(X) Been robbed/vandalized
() Been cheated on
(X) Been misunderstood

Total: 24

Level 11:

(X) Won a contest
() Been suspended from school
(X) Had detention
(X) Been in a car/motorcylce accident

Total: 27

Level 12:

(X) Had/have braces
(X) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(X) Danced in the moonlight

Total: 30

Level 13:

(X) Hated the way you look
(X) Witnessed a crime
() Pole danced
(X) Questioned your heart
(X) Been obsessed with post it notes

Total: 34

Level 14:

() Swished barefoot through the mud
(X) Been lost
(X) Been to the opposite side of the world
() Swam in the ocean
(X) Felt like you were dying

Total: 37

Level 15:

(X) Cried yourself to sleep
() Played cops and robbers
(X) Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers
(X) Paid for a meal with only coins

Total: 41

Level 16:

(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
() Made prank phone calls
(X) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
() Kissed in the rain!

Total: 43

Level 17:

(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus
() Watched the sun set and/or sun rise with someone you care/cared about
(X) Blown bubbles
() Made a bonfire on the beach

Total: 45

Level 18:

(X) Crashed a party
() Have traveled more than 5 days in a car full of people
() Gone roller- skating/blading
(X) Had a wish come true
(WTFFFFFF) Been humped by a monkey [wtf?]

Total: 47

Level 19:

() Worn pearls
() Jumped off a bridge
(X) Screamed "penis" or "vagina" (Well, I can be obnoxious around friends, it's only joking though.)
() Swam with dolphins

Total: 48

Level 20:

(X) Got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cube
() Kissed a fish
(X) Worn the opposite sex's clothes (Yesssssss,yesyessss)
() Sat on a roof top

Total: 50

Level 21:

(X) Screamed at the top of your lungs
() Done/attempted a one-handed cartwheel
(X) Talked on the phone for more than four hours (Oh, it's a part of my life)
(X) Recently stayed up for a while talking to someone you care about (Friend-wise)

Total: 53

Level 22:

() Picked and ate an apple right off the tree
(X) Climbed a tree
() Have/been in a tree house
(X) Been too scared to watch scary movies alone

Total: 55

Level 23:

(X) Believed in ghosts
() Have had more than 30 pairs of shoes
() Gone streaking
() Visited jail

Total: 56

Level 24:

(X) Played chicken
(X) Been told you're hot by a complete stranger
() Broke a bone
(X) Been easily amused

Total: 59

Level 25:

() Caught a fish then ate it later
() Made a porn movie
() Caught a butterfly
(X) Laughed so hard you cried
(X) Cried so hard you laughed

Total: 61

Level 26:

() Mooned/flashed someone
(X) Had someone moon/flash you
(X) Cheated on a test (I would be lying if I didn't 'X' it)
(X) Forgotten someone's name
() French braided someone's hair
() Gone skinny dipping
() Been kicked out of your house

Total: 64

Level 27:

(X) Rode a roller coaster
() Went scuba-diving / snorkeling
() Black-mailed someone
(X) Been black-mailed
(X) Had a cavity

Total: 67

Level 28:

(X) Been used
(X) Fell going up the stairs
(X) Licked by a cat
(X) Bitten someone
(X) Licked someone (I know I did but I don't remember who or why I did it XD)

Total: 72

Level 29:

() Been shot at/or at gunpoint
() Flattened someone's tires
() Rode your bike/driven your car until the fuel light came on
() Got five pounds or less worth of fuel (about $7.50)
() Had sex in the rain

Total: 72

Re-post this with the title "I've done ... out of 129 Stupid things.

New e-Card Once Again~

Yesssss, this one is actually my favorite! Cuz I spent so much time on it & it came out exactly how I wanted it to be. ^_^ Please check it out & hugszz it. :3 Thank yaaa~

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Happy Independence Day!

Yesss, I made a card for today! As for the rest of my Super Junior and requested e-cards I promised to make, they'll be up in a few days! For right now, I hope you guys enjoy today! Stuffff yoo faces. :3 & Make sure to check out mawhhhh cardd. Huggless and favoriteee. Comments too! Check it:

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New e-Card - Been Awhile

Please check out my new e-Card! Last time I made something was last year! Haha, maybe it would sound more like an epic fail if I said last decade. XD Well, hope you guys like it!

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Report Card Grades

Here it is mannn. I'm an average student. Not a genius but not a dumbass..... I think. xD Haha, well I'm gonna reveal my grades to you all. The first grade will be the overall average of each class, then the Regents [NY State Tests] grade.

  • US History - 83 - 89
  • Chemistry - 79 - 72
  • Math B - 84 - 85
  • English 11 - 82 - 87
  • Advance Spanish 11 - 84 - 89
  • AP Music Theory - 87 - n/a
  • Physical Education - 85 - n/a
  • Math SAT Prep - 98 - n/a
  • Orchestra - 100 - n/a

-______________________- So I'm an 80's student overall. I wish I can be smarter man. What kinda college can I get into with these grades? Especially when I did terribly horrible on Chemistry. GRRR. Well, I'm over it at the moment. Right now, what matters is that I get back on track with being active and submitting on theO. ^_^ I gotta show I'm a veteran here. I haven't done anything good since I've been promoted last decade. [Yes, cuz we're in a new decade, yeahhhhh] Also, I'll be taking Mural Painting next year so I'll be very inspired. ^_^