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Furry-Chibi @ Est. 2006 External Image

Allow me to reintroduce myself!

| DOB: 11/25/93 [not a creep ^^;] | 16 years old | OTAKU LEGEND | Year of the Rooster | Sagittarius/Part Scorpius | Blood: AB+ | Asian [Chinese] | New York | Speaks Mandarin & English | Senior<3 [12th grade] | Violin | Marching Band | Procrastinator | Anime/Drama Lover | Asian Music<3 | Naruto | Black Cat | One Piece | Lots of Shoujo | Show Luo Is My Idol | More? Talk To Meh |
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Watashi wa Catherine desu, a.k.a. Furry-Chibi. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.

SHINee created one of the most eargasmic songs I've ever heard.

My WORLD is best viewed in a resolution that has a width of 1280 or more+.

Memorial Day!

Yes! It's coming soon! Today, I will start to re-watch the Full Moon series! Then going to my friend's party.... then the Italian Festival. I can't waittt!! Peace people! It's short today.

So Many Things Happening

Like I said in the previous post, there are so many things happening today. I shall list them:

  • Shi-baka's birthday! (9.tailed)
  • Jesse McCartney's New Album In Stores!
  • Ben 10: Alien Force DVD In Stores!
  • My School Science Fair.
  • My School Art Show.
  • Not so sure about this one, but I think the Death Note Live Action Movie comes out in the dubbed in theaters. If not today, then someday this week.

Well, today is quite a unique date.... where people like to make events on this day. I have been quite tired lately as well. Memorial Day Weekend is coming up! No school Friday and Monday! Wooooo! ^_^ I'd like to type more but you're probably bored from reading so, I'm out guys! Peace!

Blahhhh Sucha Busy Week!

This has been sucha busy week. I get a new permanent sub for Spanish class after a week with the previous sub, since the original teacher got injured.... I feel bad but his teachings don't teach us anything. Yah, so I guess having the new sub is cool, she's nice and she can teach. So yeahhhhh, and this week was crazy mannn. There was people in the school who spread rumors about some kid. Apparently this kid was about to shoot the whole school. Also, there was a fire and a bomb thread down at the middle school. Something exciting finally happens, when I leave middle school. [Yeah, I'm a freshman.] Haha! It's not like I'm a bad person, I just want to experience something totally epic and amazazing.

So my photoshop hasn't been working. It's down so no new wallpapers for AWHILEEEEEE. I'm currently going on ahead on my math homework so I don't have to do it this upcoming week. Did I ever mention so many things are happening on May 20th? I am gonna make a list of things happening on May 20th when this day comes. ^_^ It's also baka-neko[9.tailed]'s birthday.

I'm going to go now. Listening to music and doing homework... whatta great Saturday [major sarcasm]. Peace!

Saturday News

Yesterday, I spent about 8 hours at a friend's house doing a Science Fair Project and went home at 1AM. Yep, very tired and yet I can't sleep right now.... even though it's morning. Even so, I started watching Digimon Savers, the only Digimon Season that I didn't watch. It's actually pretty cool. I'm on episode 18. I've been watching this for the pass 3 days. ^_^

So this pass week, I found out that the voice of Luffy from One Piece is a 53 year old woman.. -____-' But I figured that's very cool! (By the way 9.tailed, screw you, I still like Luffy's voice! :]) One Piece's latest episodes are actually quite epic, very cool. Well, I'll be going now. I have a chocolate almond bar tempting me. Peaceee!

New Wallpaper!

I finally posted up the One Piece WANTED! wallpaper I told you guys about.... last week. Haha~ Well, it's up! If you wanna see it CLICK HERE! If you checked it out and you like it, comments, hugs, and favoriting would be awesomely radical. ^_^ Minna arigatou gozaimasu. Ja naa~