Still In China??

I don't know if I mentioned this in my last post, but my trip has been delayed to August 27th instead of August 13th... the MAIN reason for this is cuz I needed to spend more time with my cousins. xD But of course, not gonna tell anyone that except you guys. c(= I was responsible for changing the dates so I had to, I mean, I need to hang out with them just a `lil bit longer. So, when I get back, I won't regret it.

Bad news is, I still haven't done a lot of homework. . . then there's marching band that I need major catching up on, and then going out and buy school supplies for school. Hmm, lots of stuff to do.

I only have a week left in China. I'm gonna buy lots of junk food. I just found out today there's chamomile and rose flavored gum... wow chinese people are creative... xD -shot- Well, just a few more days so I'll update again when I'm back in New York. Peace~~~
