I've never been featured before? :O & This really brightened up my boring Saturday! ~squeals~ It's really exciting & new to me so I'm gonna be enjoying this theOtaku fame for the rest of the day. xD [/epic gloat] So now, for shameless self promotion because I said so.... & it's an exception this time...
xDDDD *dies* Also, thank you to all who hugged & favorited this e-card & the e-card on the top 4. ^_^ Today was like a double win. One on featured fandom, & one on the top. I'm way too excited right now... I guess cuz for the past 6 months I lost all confidence in my graphic designing but little but little I'll gain it all back. Don't worry though, I definitely won't get cocky. ^_^
On another note, I made another e-card! It's for Heechul's birthday cuz he's just that awesome. So check it out!:
Once again, THANKKK YOUUU EVERYONEEEE! :D Also, wish Heechul a Happy Birthday, just do it. [/demanding way too much today, x__x]
These three are next for my rampage on Super Junior e-card making. xD