School Is Almost Over!

I have only 6 days left of school!! Then finals.. then no moreee! Wooooo! I can't wait! I especially can't wait `til July. I get to go to D.C. with the marching band. It's gonna rock. These pass few days, I've been watching TV and haven't been on TheOtaku that much. But I am still aiming to update once in a while and more than I did on MyOtaku. I'm aiming to become a Senior Otaku before 2008 ends. I better become one or else I fail at life mannnn!

Right now, I feel like I have allergies but I don't. It's really irritating and annoying. -____-' ~Sighszzz~ I had a cold the pass week but I'm getting better. Blehhh. Next week will be the best week of the school year cuz it's gonna be my last week `til I'll become a sophomore in high school! Another year closer to going to China. So that's all I have to say for nowwww.

If you want anime music.... like Naruto, One Piece, TeniPuri, Full Moon... and others that I can't remember... oh yeah Hikaru no Go and MAR, then go to my imeem by clicking HEREEEEE! Thanks! Peaceeee!
