Finally Making A New Layout

SAY WHATTT? Yeah, I'm feelin' it today. TODAYYY, shall be the day when the unwritten is written, when the empty is full, when the poop has been pooped. *shot* I'm tired. Today was the last day of band camp. It felt great. :D Free pizza & Italian ice? Hellyeah. Well, the main point is. . . OMG FURRY-CHIBIZ IS GAWNA MAKE A NEW BACKGROUND & BANNER, WUT. xD OH snippity-cricket... & also a new avatar. I love mawh Show but time for a change. :D [No, not my love for him. That shall NEVER change.] But a change to my WORLD, wouldn't that be snazzzay? I'm more excited than anyone else right now. >___<

*psstttt* Guess what? My avatar is already done. :D :D :D I'm almost done with the background image & then onto the most eye-appealing piece of love that will be awn mawh page. . . . *drum roll* ZEHHHH BANNERR! :D Tell me, is at least one of you as excited as I am? *holds for response*
