Meme Thaaang

I stole this from TimeChaser. :3 I had alotta fun. This was just one huge That's What She Said. xD *shot*

Put your music player on shuffle.
Write down the names of the first 15 songs that come up.
Add "in my pants" at the end of each title.

1. Life's On The Line - in my pants.
2. The Name I Loved - in my pants.
3. Umbrella - in my pants.
4. It's You - in my pants. [LOL]
5. Never Let You Go - in my pants. [I can't even. . . XD]
6. Sorry Sorry - in my pants. [.....]
7. Intro (Big Bang) - in my pants.
8. Keep Your Style - in my pants.
9. Fighter - in my pants.
10. Bleeding Love - in my pants. [o.O;;;;]
11. Winds & Clouds - in my pants. [nice breeze yo]
12. Ring Ding Dong - in my pants.
13. Michi ~ To You All - in my pants.
14. Oh Happy Days - in my pants.
15. It Ends Tonight - in my pants.

Wow, I guess I have more Asian songs than American. XDD
