Regents &+ Sonic. OH! & Did I Mention Marching Band?!

I tried posting a post this pass Tuesday but it didn't let me? o.O Weird. So now, I'm hoping this post will show! I'm done with regents! I'm officially done with school now! WOOHOOO! Now, I shall focus on packing for Washington D.C. I'm going there with the marching band. It's gonna be great! Oh yeaaahhhh! ^_^

I'm watching Sonic X right now. No other show has brought this much tears to my eyes than Sonic. This show is great. I love it man, I LOVESz it!! I'm gonna end this post short & sweet... since it is 2AM in the morning. Gonna go catch some ZZZZZZ'sz!! Peace!

P.S. If you guys never ever tried these, you're missing out!
