On the trip, I missed updating on Otaku.... even if I don't update everyday. Anyways, I MISS STARING INTO THE COMPUTER SCREEN!!!!!!. Well, fun trip fun trip. Too much walking but it burned off the fat I ate... so I ain't complainin`... now that I think about it. I took many pictures and some of them are hilarious!! ^_^ This is not gonna be a long post.
So I gotta few things to say to people:
- 9.tailed: Awesome picture right? ^_^
- Shadow: Shoulda gotten you a gift... joking or not.
- Muto Renkin: I DON'T KNOW WHENNN!!! I mean, you asked every single dayyy. -_______- ~Sighszzzz~
So here's the picture I took on the trip to D.C. I randomly saw it and thought I gotta have it!!:
Sooo whaddya think about it? Huh huh huh?? ^_^ I'm gonna end the post for today. Peaceeeee outt!