Last Day of Vacation... T_T'

I'm currently listening to my marching band music.. Too be honest [I sound like a geek] this music actually gets addicting. Haha.... I mean I gotta hear it every week for the next 2 months or so, so I should just get use to it. ~laughs~

~sighs deeply & heavily~ Should I be laughing right now? School is tomorrow. I feel like tonight I probably can't sleep, just like last year... and then actually wake up early without being sleepy like usual cuz it's the first day.. BUTTTT, it'll get tiring when we get get homework... which is suckish but you gotta deal. Haha, I only go to school for friends, music... anddd to learn but I don't wanna be getting too much homework. ANYWAYSSSS, enough of me blabbing on. I should just bring a folder with looseleaf on the first day right? And a pen, yeah and of course lunch money. Gah, well gotta go! Peace!
