Birthday Tomorrow!!

In school so I can't write much, but my birthday is tomorrow! My bestie [izioy7] decided to bring in my gift today cuz she couldn't wait `til tomorrow. ~laughsz~ Well, I'm having a good day so far. The guys [assholes] behind me aren't saying anything annoying yet like, "Yoo you guys nerds *laughs* on what is that?" to me & 9.tailed. Next period, gosh, I can't wait for lunch. My tummy is rumblin'!! HUNGRYYY!! The only down side of today [so far] is I forgot my water bottle. Gosh, I filled it with ice and everything. It was nice and chilled. T_T Now, I am dehydrating, which gives me another reason why I wanna go to lunch. =D Well, I shall post my e-card that I wanted to post up yesterday, today!

I can't wait for my birthday tomorrow! WOOo000ooT! =^_^= Well, gotsz to get off soon! Peace~
