I'm sooo bored. . . just waiting for my videos to load. . . X Family episodes that is. xD Yep. So I love watching it. It's just so interesting to watch, though the actors mentions they feel really embarrassed acting out the parts where like attacks and powers come out of their hands or something. I mean, I understand why. You know, the director and everyone is all silent andddd. . ACTION! & you gotta like run around shooting imaginary powers out of your hands and dodge imaginary attacks. But with the new technology these days, it makes them look really cool after all the effects are put in. Haha. xD I think after this series, I'm gonna start the series called It Started With A Kiss and then on with it's sequel. Then this other drama I currently forgot the name of.
But instead of watching drama all day, I should be preparing for school tomorrow. >____> But I WILL work hard in school and get good grades, especially because that's what my grandpa wants. I'm still thinking about my grandpa but it feels like he's never left. So I'm happy. . . but school tomorrow, which I gotta wake up early for, once again. GAH. And waiting right now feels really pathetic. I feel like there's nothing to do except wait. I needa find something to kill time. . . . . maybe clean out my binders for tomorrow. Peace~
This amazing person is my inspiration, kinda like my role model. I'm hoping to meet him one day. :D