Chapter 2: Just her....

Naruto stared at Hinata, struggling not to just burst into tears. "WHY?! WHY'D YOU DO THIS TO HER!!! he screamed. "I've got to hurry before she goes into shock. If I don't...she may die..." Naruto grabbed her and sped through the treetops. "Please Hinata...stay with me....." 10 minutes later he finally arrived in the Leaf Village, but she still needed a doctor. Naruto shoved people out of the way. Even making a few spiral down to the pavement. When he arrived at the hospital,he kicked the doors open and yelled, "SOMEONE HELP ME!!" he screamed. " Nurses rushed by and set Hinata's limp body on the gurney. Right before Naruto was going to follow them a docter came up to him and said,"Ok sir, but we're going to have to make you wait out here." "NO!! I WON'T LEAVE HINATA'S SIDE!!!" Suddenly, those peaceful sky blue eyes, changed into a deranged crimson red. The fox demon side of him was beginning to take control over his body and mind. Turning the boy harsh and bashful, begging for a fight. "Look, I'm sorry sir, but I-" Naruto grabbed the man's neck, and slammed him up agaisnt the wall."NO, YOU LOOK HERE!!! I MADE A PROMISE THAT I WOULD STAY BY HER SIDE!!! AND I DON'T INTEND ON BREAKING IT!!" "Uh...u-u-um...yes can see her..sir..." Naruto growled," Thats what I thought you said..." Naruto let go of the man's neck and began rushing after the nurses that were taking her to the E.R. When he finally caught up, one of the nurses asked,"Can you tell us what happened here sir?" Naruo's heart rate began to slow...and he began to feel the pain instead of rage...Tears shot down his cheeks. All he could managed out was,"She...she was....attacked by.....a ninja..." "Hmmmm must of been really powerful then, huh?" "Yea.." The nurse then began nugging at Hinata." Hinata, can you hear me? I need you to open your eyes sweety." " I?" " Your in the Leaf Hospital dear. Can you tell me what day it is? " " It's ummmm, Thursday. " "Good, now I need you to stay with us okay Hinata, can you do that? " " Yes mam." Some more doctors came rushing with Hinata as well. Naruto began to worry, fearing a concussion or a state of shock. "Please Hinata, just stay with us..." They finally arrived at the E.R. All Naruto could do now, is just stand and watch. Hours and hours has passed. Naruto was worried for the worst. Finally, a nurse came out and said that Hinata should be out and about by tomorrow. "You should go home and get some rest, its late and visiting hours are almost done and over with." " Okay. " Naruto sighed and left the building. "I just don't understand, why would he target Hinata? Speaking of which I should probably tell her father tomorrow about this...or maybe not..knowing how much he hates her..." He finally arrived at his house but he caught something from the corner of his eye. There, standing out in the darkness was Gaara. " So, you've finally decided to show up huh?" said Naruto. " I really just came to see her in amuses me..." "AMUSES YOU?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT "AMUSES YOU?!" YOU ALMOST KILLED HER!!!" " Let's not be rash about this." " I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!"screamed Naruto. "I'd like to see you try!!" Naruto swung a fist at Gaara, but was blocked by his sand. "SEE!!!NO ONE CAN KILL ME!!! I'LL NEVER FEEL PAIN!!! THE ONLY WAY TO TRULY FEEL MY EXISTENCE IS TO KILL OTHERS!!!! "HAVE YOU EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT WHAT I FEEL ABOUT THIS?! HUH?! DID YOU?!"screamed Naruto. "No, but it's funny to see you cry...hmhm." "SHUT UP YOU BASTERD!!!AHHHHHH!!!!!Naruto was beserk at this point. Now the Fox demon inside him was fully intact. Red chakra swirled around his body. If Gaara wanted a fight..he was gonna get one...Naruto slashed at Gaara, even breaking the shield the sand would make around his body. Then Naruto finally let out the rasengan. When sat back up from the impact, a huge hole was where his torso should've been. This wasn't Gaara, but one of Gaara's sand clones. Then a voice came from nowhere. "Your not a very worthy opponent are you?" said Gaara. NO!! COME HERE YOU COWARD!!! FIGHT ME!!! I AM WORTHY!!!! But there was no reply.Tears broke out suddenly, and the enraged Naruto was now on the ground sobbing."I failed you Hinata. I'm sorry...." Naruto wiped the tears off his face,sat up, and unlocked the door. He climbed up the stairs and fell onto his bed. "Don't worry Hinata...I WON'Tfail you again...."With that he passed out into a deep sleep.....
