Chapter 3: We're ending this now.....

"Where am I? It's so bright.....Oh yeah....I'm in" The door opened. "Hinata? Are you awake, I didn't mean to wake you...." said Naruto. "No it's okay. I was awake anyways....I can't remember anything....what happened to me?" Naruto was stunned, how could he tell her? "You....Y-You...were..." he mumbled under his breath. "I was what?" Tears streamed down his face. " You...You fell down a cliff..." Naruto was trying, but could never pass as a lier. " I know your lying, what happened?" "......You" "Who?" "Ga-...Ga-Ga-.....Gaara..." Hinata stared into space, wondering if she should run away....far away. "But..But why?! I didn't hurt him did I?! I'M SCARED NARUTO I'M SCA-" Naruto pressed his finger on her lips,"Shhhhhh. We're taking care of it right now. You're going to be safe." They both knew that was a lie....a huge one too. Suddenly, the door creaked open. It was Neji....Hinata just stared into his hateful eyes. "Your pathetic Hinata, a disgrace to our family..." "FUCK OFF NEJI !!! LEAVE HER ALONE!!!! " How are you wrapped up into this freak? This is between me an-" Naruto launched a cold hard fist into Neji's jaw sending him to the floor. Naruto then pressed his foot on Neji's chest and said," Get" Neji pushed the crushing foot off his lungs and stumbled out the door. Naruto looked back at Hinata. Hot tears were streaming down her cheeks. "Hinata...I'm...sorry." She wiped the tears, and said," it's not your fault Naruto...he's that...." Suddenly, the doors bursted open again.The nurse walked in, "Okay guys! I think she's able to walk now! Just don't be using that wrist for jutsu or fighting, and you'll be fine!" "Yes..mam.." Naruto helped her out of bed and onto the marble floor. She stumbled a little at first, but soon began to walk as good and clumsy as she did before. "Good Luck recovering!" exclaimed the nurse. "I will!" said Hinata. Naruto scooped her up in his arms, and headed out the door. "So, is there anything you want to do today? " asked Naruto. "Ummmm, I'm really hungry though. I can cook breakfast at your place." "We could get some ramen!" Naruto eagerly suggested. "*giggles*,Okay.....sure,why not." said Hinata. "THANK YOU!!!!! exclaimed Naruto. "You're welcome." said Hinata. Naruto ran instantly, which startled Hinata a bit. "WE'RE HEEEERE!!!!" yelled Naruto. "That was fast!" exclaimed Hinata. "When It comes to ramen....NOTHING STANDS IN MY WAY!!!" said Naruto. Hinata giggled."Well, lets get to eating then!" "Noooooooo problem Hinata!!!" They walked in, and Naruto ordered one bowl of beef ramen and 13 bowls of pork ramen for himself. Hinata watched how he gobbled each bowl with no problem at all. The shop owner said,"On the house Naruto!" "REALLY?!?!?!?!?! THANKS!!!!" Hinata giggled hoping no one noticed. When Hinata and Naruto were finished eating, they both thanked the shop owner for his generosity,and stepped outside. It was noon and they still had plenty of time to waist. "Well, what do you want to do now Hinata?" asked Naruto. "Ummmmm I was wondering if maybe.....Nah, it'd waist to much ryo." "At this point I don't care what you want Hinata." "Well, you know that new mall they just made? I was wondering if we could go shopping..." "Okay, sure. No problem!" said Naruto. They walked a few blocks over and into the humongous mall. "Sooo where do you want to shop at?" asked Naruto." "Ummmmmm at the music department first, I need to buy some more Avenged Sevenfold CD's..." "YOU LISTEN TO AVENGED SEVENFOLD TOO?!?!?!" "Ummmmm, is that a good thing?" "HECK YA!!!!!!!" Hinata giggled. They went to the music store and bought Avenged Sevenfold,30 Seconds to Mars,Bullet For My Valentine, and Skillet CD's. They went to Hott Topic and bought Hinata a new jacket,(since her outfit was getting too small),a tripp skirt, black and blue stripped knee socks, a new A7X shirt, and some new ninja shoes. It was night by the time they returned to Naruto's house. "*yawns*, I think I'm ready to go to sleep Naruto..." mumbled Hinata. " Me too, Hinata." Naruto laid Hinata on his bed and was opening the door when Hinata said,"Naruto,thanks and will you sleep with me tonight?....I'm scared that he will come back." Naruto thought for a moment and said," Sure, no problem and you're welcome." Naruto walked over and pulled the covers over them both. Hinata snuggled in with Naruto. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled them closer together. And off to dreamland they went, too bad they didn't know that this maybe the last time they see each other.....
