Chapter 5: Destination....Hell

Chapter 5: Destination...Hell...

It was all a blur. The sand just swallowed them up. She could taste the dry, roughness in her mouth.*coughs*"Where...where are you taking me?" "...Don't ask questions.." Gaara stated. "But i just wanted to-" " I SAID DON'T ASK QUESTIONS!!" It went silent,not a single word was spoken for the rest of the trip."Is this my fate? To forget my old life, and start a new one by being a hostage for the rest of it? I'll miss it then....especially..Naruto.." Tears rolled down her eyes. Gaara noticed. He felt pain in his chest. "Ugh...ah.."

**Flash Back**

"Yashamaru? What is it hurt?"

"Well its not that easy to explain but, its kinda painful...unbearable perhaps...its no fun though!!"

"Yashamaru...Yashamaru do you then...hate me?"

"Humans live their lifes hurting others and being hurt in return. But despite all that...People still love more than they hate..."

"I think I'm begining to understand what its like to hurt Yashamaru...I think...I could be injured as well...."

"Is that so?How then Lord Gaara?"

"It always doesn't bleed but it hurts right here..." *Grabs chest area where the heart is*

"A wound the body certainly bleeds...and can appear very painful..
but as time passes, it'll eventually heal...But what are troublesome are the wounds of the heart....They are extremely slow to heal..."

**End of Flash Back**

"What is it?" Hinata questioned. "I'm deeply sorry..." "Wha-" "SHUT UP!!" he yelled. It went to silence yet again. They arrived at the mansion doors. With a wave of a hand they opened, revealing an enormous room filled with furniture. Hinata awed in amazement. " Do you like it Hinata?" "...yes...Lord Kazekage..." He showed her to his quaters. Gaara opened the door, everything was pitch black. The carpet, the walls , even the ceiling.From All That Remains to Avenged Sevenfold, posters were hung everywhere. "Do music...?" Hinata stated. "Its the next best thing to killing people..." Hinata's eyes grew wide with fear. "But don't worry, I won't kill you...As long as you behave like a good little girl should. But you need to take a bath and go to sleep." He pointed to the white and black checkered door. She followed as commanded. She opened it and shut it quickly behind her. Hinata scurridly undressed herself,worrying that Gaara would walk in. She turned the showernob as hot as it would go,and stepped in. Shortly after she was soaked by the water, someone stepped in. She felt a hand on her shoulder and let out a scream. "Hinata! Its me Temari! I brought you some clothes and stuff so that you can't be stinky!" "Temari...your here..." Temari's welcoming smile brought warmth to her heart."YEP!! I know right! I've missed you a lot since we first met!! But I really need to go before my brother catches me. See you later! " Hinata heard the door shut, and started using the stuff Temari gave to her. "Maybe this place won't be so bad after all.It might be better than i thought...But the thought of him....just scares me..." She got out, and dried herself off. Hinata noticed the clothes and a note on the floor. It said:

Thought you might need some clothes. I went out and bought you some. Here's some night clothes for you. I laughed at this idea.
Your Friend,

She picked up a black and white checkered thong, a black and white striped bra, and a short,black night gown dress that she saw at Victoria's Secret. When she looked for her old clothes they weren't there. "Temari..." She sighed and decided to go ahead and put them on. When Hinata walked out, it was complete darkness. She thought to herself,"This is my chance to escape. I must be quick." Hinata immediately walked to the door. As soon as she touched the doornob, a hand caught hold of her wrist and threw her to the bed. The cold arms wrapped around her waist and the dark figure whispered in her ear," And where do you think your" "No where." He tightened his grip. "Nope, thats not what I think..." "OW!!PLEASE STOP SABAKU NO G-GAARA!! I'M SORRY FOR DISOBEYING YOU!! PLEASE!!! I WON'T TRY TO ESCAPE!!!" " Good girl, maybe later I'll give you a treat." Gaara loosened his grip. "Now whats the rush dear? Don't you like it here...?" "No...I-I-...I CAN'T STAND IT!!" Gaara threw her against the wall and yelled ," WHY'S THAT?! IS NOTHING HERE GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?!HUH?! IS THAT IT?!?!" Blood was dripping from her mouth. Hinata closed her eyes shut, praying it was only a bad dream. Gaara laughed an incredibly horrifying laugh. "Do you think that'll make me go away?! Your a fool!! " No, I'm not letting anyone push me around like this any longer..." After her Byakugan kicked in, Hinata scanned his body searching for places to strike. " I think I can see his breaking points... forehead, left thigh, and....the heart..."The sand was coming towards her, and she had to think fast. Hinata did a frontflip over the blood stenched sand and palmed him right on the forehead. Gaara's eyes widened, the pain that came after was just unbearable. "AHHHH!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!?!" Hinata was frozen in shock by that homicidal look he was giving her. It was making her stomach swirl. Hinata was frightened by what he might do to her if she didn't find a way out. She searched the room for any signs of escape, but couldn't find one. Until she spotted a tiny sparkle of light through the black curtains. "Here I go..." Hinata backed up and sprinted towards what she hoped was a window.When she dove into the night, the first thing that caught her eyes was the full moon. Not a single cloud was seen. Soon the gaze upon this beauty was ended by the piercing shards of glass through her soft skin. Not to mention she was on the 5th floor. "Is this my death?'s better than being murdered...right?"Shards of glass were flying, while Hinata was falling rapidly towards the ground. "It'll all be over soon..." she whispered to herself. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a figure falling beside her. "I'm not letting you go that easily Hyuuga!!" "NO!!! LET ME DIE!!" Hinata then straightened her body out and began falling faster. Right before impact Gaara sent his sand spiraling downwards. BAM!!!! All she heard was the sound of sizzling sand, and Gaara's sickening laugh getting closer. "No!!!, I'm not giving up!!!" "Byakugan!!!" Sand exploded away from her beaten body. Hinata dashed into the empty streets of the sand village. Gaara frowned. Of course she would run, it was only to be expected. Gaara wanted her too much to let her get away. He wanted her, every fiber of her being, he wanted her to dance for him whenever he wanted it, and dance for him only. He growled and began chasing after her....
