Raven and Jesse

You Know my Boarhound and Irish Wolf hound??Raven and Jesse? well they got in a fight Raven kicked Jesse's BUTT!!No joke Raven is actually smaller than Jesse and Jesse usally has a calm angry vibe and Raven Mysterious and cool vibe and they got in a fight.

Raven is stuck in my room with Ijori and Teddy when Jesse is stuck Ivi and Kitters (My Mum's cat) Ijori's on my bed growling at Teddy because hes biting his tail xD Raven is at my feet xD Ivi is barking at Kitters and Jesse I have no clue about him hes just being Jesse....Kitters is screaming/meowing wonder when Mum will save Kitters from the wrath of a Shiba Inu named IVI!?I hope never because Kitters clawed the fudge outta me!Now Raven is on my balgony barking at a kid going by....The kid ran off.....xD i yelled"THATS RIGHT KID RUN RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!" he ran off xD HAHA


