Hi, I'm Dranzerstorm

Welcome to the Video Game & Music Lounge

This world is dedicated to Video Games and Music as I'll be showcasing the following.

Video Game Reviews set to the same tones as Retro Retrospective's Anime Reviews
Music reviews of Anime Openings & Closings
Western Cartoon music
Vocaloid Classics.
We may even have some Top Tens
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Top 10 Sonic Moments Worst than Sonic Boom

Well Sonic Boom has been out for a while now and the overall verdict is overwhelmingly negative as many note it as Sonic's greatest failure since Sonic 06, but on my personal opinion, the game is nothing more than a half arsed Rayman game with numerous frustrating moments but at the very least functional game but being 28 Years old and older than the franchise itself I can think of ten moments that trump anything Sonic Boom ever came up with.

10. Early Sonic Concepts
Think about what Sonic could've been before Sonic 1. The idea was that he would have his own band and a human girlfriend looking like a strange fusion of Betty Boop and Jessica Rabbit. Other early concepts including those for the TV Series depicting Sonic as a bit more scrappy in design were also turned down and don't get me started on the headaches that the early Sonic Boom concepts caused. Speaking of human girlfriends.

9. Princess Elise
Sonic 06 could've been forgiven if not for the introduction of Princess Elise, a character so into the damsel in distress part that it would make Princess Peach slap her. However her creepiest moment is kissing Sonic back to life which the Sonic Shorts web series put into context by saying "I don't know what's creepier? The fact that she made out with an animal or a corpse". Speaking of humans again.

8. Chris Thorndyke
I get that humans have been in the Sonic Universe before but they don't need to be the main character. Sonic X, the only proper Sonic anime. (Wait Sonic OVA?) The only proper Sonic anime! Chris Thorndyke didn't need to happen, this even more jail bait Sora from Kingdom Hearts knockoff is annoying, obnoxious and a little too attached to Sonic.

7. Tails Sky Patrol
A poor Game Gear spinoff featuring Tails using a hook ring to navigate stages and fight bad guys using precise gameplay and harsh difficulty curves that really punish you if you make one mistake. One would hope for a dogfight game with a name like Sky Patrol but sadly Sega forgot that Tails is a pilot.

6. Sonic 3D
With all the complaints about Sonic being in 3D many overlook his first attempt; using an isometric view and painfully slow gameplay along with a mechanic that forces you to fight enemies is not a good start for a 3D series, even Sonic R was fully 3D which many consider a weaker game.

5. Sonic Lost World
I consider this worst than Sonic Boom. They used gameplay from a cancelled game called Sonic Xtreme, then most of the story is calling out Sonic on how much of an arsehole he is and finally the stages are so long that you need an hour just to get through the entire first level set and that doesn't include all the times you die.

4. Sonic Free Riders
Should never have been attempted. Sonic and extreme sports is a good thing but using an X-Box Kinect that has barely had time to get going isn't. Sonic Riders have always been a mixture of painfully hard to easy, then again going back to hard, there's never been consistency with the series and the dialogue is very painful.

3. Sonic Shuffle
In Mario Party you destroy friendships, in Sonic Shuffle you destroy Dreamcasts as the computer is programmed to troll you every single time you roll the dice, not to mention that it insists you watch the whole mini game even when you lose first.

2. Sonic Labyrinth
Another shoddy Game Gear game, this time supposedly based on the old Marble Run games, to this day this is the slowest Sonic game ever made.

1. Sonic 4
But this game was the ultimate betrayal to the fans. Sonic 4 was meant to be a true sequel to the classic games, but what we got was a polished Sonic Advance title. The fact that they went to so much trouble to try and convince us that Sonic is back to his former 2D glory only to pull the rug from underneath the fans and give us this. Other games have their problems, the Werehog, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Boom, Sonic Drift and every cartoon not SatAM and even the unmentionable Sonic OVA but we knew what to expect from those things, what we got from Sonic 4 was a lie, a betrayal of trust that has not sat well with the fans since and will never get back.

Bonus: Still the treatment given to Knuckles in Sonic Boom is still worst than everything I've just listed.