Games Menu: The Messenger

So we have another triple, this time for games starting with the Messenger.

The Messenger is what you get when you combine classic Ninja Gaiden with Castlevania and more than capable of being played on a Snes.

Doesn't feel nearly as hard as Ninja Gaiden.
Doesn't feel as painfully slow as Castlevania.
Alot of content in a game that could so easily be short.
The dialogue between the Ninja and Shopkeeper is hilarious.

Respawning enemies even when you barely left the screen.
Having to pay for your deaths all the time.
No indication if enemies can insta-kill you or not.
Not much for depth story wise.
Colour palette is off putting.

A neat little game of Ninja Gaiden which doesn't add much to the formula but doesn't try to fix what isn't broke.
