WTF am I Playing - Switch Special - CRUIS'N!, GOLF'N! and HAMMER'N!

Taking a break from the grind of Xbox achievement hunting to explore some of the just as weird games on the Switch, in fact alot of the future Xbox entries started on the Switch.

Cruis'n Blast
Leave it to legacy companies like Raw Thrills to revive all the best 90s racing titles, and you can't get more 90s than the Cruis'n series from the N64 era. This current version takes all the madness and loudness from the arcade cabinet version giving you short bursts of arcade madness as each race can last as little as three sometimes one minute as the ridiculously fast pace of the game shows often in environments with giant set pieces, much better in multiplayer.
A-Tier Game

What the Golf
This game does everything with the concept of golf physics except actually play real golf as each level adds a twist to the formula everything from a video game reference to driving the actual golfer into the hole, cleverly made if a little absurd in places.
A-Tier Game

Smashing the Battle

Yes, I'd certainly like to Smash, robots are running riot in a giant industrial complex as you take command of one of two large powerful ladies, Sarah O'Connell the Survivor with a giant spanner and Mary Lucy the Chaser with a giant hammer, while the game is certainly very appealing, it is just a typical hack and slash more akin to a slower, jankier Bayonetta.
B-Tier Game
