Unscramble 8

Hi everyone! Lhtkid here! :D I'm the new guest poster on here!

Ok, so the prizes I will be giving out are (You choose any 1):
1. 2 cards with whatever themes you'd like
2. A drawing (but it can take up to weeks), digital or traditional
3. A video of either a medley or subbing a song
All of the prizes come with 2 gifts as well!

Once I get the hang of making wallpapers, I'll have that be one of the prizes as well. For those of you who don't know, I take suggestions and sub them, then post them onto youtube. (Ok, I shouldn't be advertising on here, but I'm just explaining xD)

Alright! Now, to the game!

Here's a hint: fights enemies with dark strings

Good luck! :D
CLOSED. Winner: Hanako Sho
