Pokemon Adventures Chapter 5

Sorry about that, haven't been able to post up chapters!

Chapter 5~I Recognise It!

So the Guild went off to explore the unknown. They crossed many mountains. Until they finally arrived! "We're here!" said Chatot. "So this is base camp! You will return here everyday until this exploration is over. Your beds are in these tents. Look for the tent with your team's name on it!" informed Chatot. "Let's go find team Firesea's tent!" said Azurill. They found it and snuggled in their beds to rest until... "UP AND AT EM, IT'S MORNING!" said Loudred. "Loudred, yell a little softer please! You ruined my nice dream!"said an annoyed Charmander. "WELL, I'M CALLED LOUDRED FOR A REASON!" After that drama, the pokemon settled down to a nice breakfast of apples and gummis. "I really like the blue gummis,"said Azurill. "I really like the orange gummis! They remind me of fire! Hey, let's go! Chatot is calling everyone!" said Charmander. They had all arrived and after Chatot informed them about what they would be searching for, Azurill found a small red stone about the size of a small apple. "I wonder what this is," wondered Azurill. "OMG I KNOW WHAT THAT IS!!!" said an excited Sunflora. "That's a Drought Stone! You place it in some Groudon statue! Let's find it!" Charmander picked up a sense that he's been here before. "Azurill, I think I've been here! I just recognise this place!" "Ok, well, maybe if we solve the mystery of my Relic Fragment, maybe we can solve the mystery of why you somehow know this place,"said Azurill.
