Welcome to Gaming Heaven. Here, I will post pictures of game series, some videos and I'll try and do a review type thing each week.
Please, put down your coins and set aside your swords, and relax here within the Gaming heaven!
- Created By Gemnote7
Shinjiro-Persona 3
This is Shinjiro from Persona 3, an awesome character but sadly he gets killed only a short bloody time after you get him so you can't have him as a member of your party!!! That sucks since he's my 3rd favorite!
But at the ending when your facing off against Nyx, and your hearing the voices of your friends, the final one you hear is Shinjiro (but his picture dosen't show up) and you just hear him say "Alright, lets do this" and it always gives me a fuzzy feeling, every time!
Gwendolyn-Odin sphere
I have this as my background!
Odin Sphere- Gwendolyn
This is Gwendolyn from Odin Sphere. It's game on the PS2 With beutiful artwork. You play through the stories of five people and they intertwine with each other. It's genre would be fantasy, I guess, But it is a really cool series and so far, Gwendolyn is my favorite character^^ (also, she's voiced by the same person as Aigis in Persona 3, so that gives her extra coolness!)
asdf movies!XD
Okay, Last night I read chapter 392 of Bleach (Breaking Glaciers) and I can't believe what that @X£% Aizen made Toshiro to to Momo!! I hate him sooooo f***ing much!
So I decided to find something to make me in a not "kill" mood and I remembered the asdf movies and thought I'd post them. I know they have nothing to do with video games, but well, deal.
and the second one:
If you don't even smirk/giggle/rofl at these then theres something wrong with you! (you maybe you a different sense of humor...)
Tales of Symphonia-Lloyd, Genis and Kratos
I think this is a cool picture!