You know the drill, it's your BOY Oscar/Garu, fic writer, RPer and cosplay extraordinare.

I'm 18, male and from ye olde england

tumblr: Legolasstar
snapchat: oscarrobi
skype: bella.garu

proud owner of two spoilt dogs and two abused sewing machines

my personal cheerleading squad

to listen to for lulz

guys, if you want to listen to funny stuff then i suggest you to listen to people reading "my immortal/the worst fanfiction ever" IT MAKES ME PEE MYSELF WITH LAUGHTER.
she has a thing about fishnet and is awful. lml right now

oh so soon

trolololol, the person in the front is my friend, i'm in the background.
(if you don't know the meme then learn it!)


an interesting find...[harry potter wiki screenshot]

this screenshot was taken, five seconds ago, cropped in paint and posted for you. note the picture of ginny weasley and the caption beneath it... i hope the person who added the annotations is laughing about it.
oh the things you find in harry potter wiki!

guess what...

I GOT AN A* FOR MY HISTORY CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT. 45% OF MY GCSE DONE AND DUSTED. WAHEYYYYY! oh revolutionary russia, ljublju tebja! *blows kiss at russia and cackles like a maniac*
~garu, the fake communist

MCM london expo?

So a friend of mine and her friend are going to MCM expo in london in october, tickets are gonna go on sale soon but i don't know if i should go or who i should go as.

my friend had an idea for me to make a harley quinn cosplay, involving me dying a pair of white leggings red and a white top red on one side and black on the other and then like painting diamonds shaped on and then getting a hat and then painting my face for it
Buuut i would like to go as like hungary (aph) or souseiseki (rozen maiden) though if i ever get around to dying my GOD DAMN HAIR (dye is downstairs, sister and mum being gay about it) and if i like it, i might keep it so does anybody know of a character with red-purple hair?

~garu over and out