You know the drill, it's your BOY Oscar/Garu, fic writer, RPer and cosplay extraordinare.

I'm 18, male and from ye olde england

tumblr: Legolasstar
snapchat: oscarrobi
skype: bella.garu

proud owner of two spoilt dogs and two abused sewing machines

my personal cheerleading squad


so as you may know, i lurk in chat ALOT. moar than a secret troll might.
so i sometimes see people who are all like 'BAAAWWWWWWWWW' over boys and whatever. "---- IS BEING AND ASS TO ME!!!! *curls up and cries*"
can i just say...get the hell over it you whingy whiney idiots! go call a waaaaaaahmbulance you chickens!

raeg over


'kay, so the dog i dote so much featured in the post below has totally pissed me off today
why? you may ask.
let's just say he tried to dig up my dead cat ¬¬
he was only 7 cm to the left from getting him.
basically, i let him out first thing in the morning so he can do his buisness, and i often leave him out there while i get dressed/eat breakfast. i left him out for about 20 minutes, pretty standard.
i let him back in and he was covered in mud, making me wonder why he was so muddy, but i assumed he'd been rolling around and nuzzling the dirt because he does that sometimes.
so while i was at school being a genius *not* my mum was in the garden and could smell decay, then she saw paddy digging at the area where we buried my cat. immediately she charged him and checked to see if he'd dug the cat up, luckily no, it seemed. but she couldn't tell if he had dug him up or not as he could have put him in the longer grass in our garden, but anyway, she looked around and couldn't find the source of the decaying smell.
when i got home and found out, i marched into the garden with paddy at my heels and made him sit infront of the hole and told him that he'd find my foot up his arse if he dug the cat up. he got the message. the second i got inside he was running back to try and dig, i picked up one of his toys and threw it at him and growled. then i picked up a plant pot and dumped it in the hole he dug.
but yeah ¬¬ retarded dog is retarded

my dog's trollface


you just got trolled by that face

name change?

a certain grouchy-cat austrian who will not be named (felix) has suggested that i change my name to piggyback garu. and i am seriously considering changing it to that. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
whadd'ya think?
should i change it to that?

Mr m