You know the drill, it's your BOY Oscar/Garu, fic writer, RPer and cosplay extraordinare.

I'm 18, male and from ye olde england

tumblr: Legolasstar
snapchat: oscarrobi
skype: bella.garu

proud owner of two spoilt dogs and two abused sewing machines

my personal cheerleading squad

country of hearts

okaaay ve~

so i'mma churn out a shit load of alice in the country of hearts fan art. currently i'm working on a peter white piece which is pissing me off because of the stripes on his suit. i'm doing the picture on sai so it's ok-ish but i hate those damn stripes! che palle!

i'mma prolly do a boris or elliot piece next since i'm also in love with them but it doesn't beat my love of peter~ must. do. rabbit. argument! ve~

anywayz, if anybody actually reads my blogs then feel free to beat me into submission to do a picture for you of a character :3 ve~



ve ve ve ve ve ve ve ve
>< damnit veneziano and his ve-ing

a goat ATE mah interweb

so mah internet is screwed due to the fact mah router ish deid and then we got a new one abd i have to have yellow cable and hold mah laptop in teh air in teh living room


seven deadly sins

(stolen from lots of people)

Day 1 - Pride. Seven great things about yourself.
Day 2 - Envy. Seven things you lack and covet.
Day 3 - Wrath. Seven things that piss you off.
Day 4 - Sloth. Seven things you neglect to do.
Day 5 - Greed. Seven worldly material desires.
Day 6 - Gluttony. Seven guilty pleasures.
Day 7 - Lust. Seven love secrets

DAY 1-
1. i'm better then my brother at drawing in biro
2. i can cook better then my older sister
3. i'm taller then my older sister
4. i can sing in russian
5. i can adapt my characters to fit how they're expected to be
6. i have a great memory for history
7. i'm good at ballet

the russian translation of once apon a december

Like a pattern on a window.
The past is near again.
Someone sang a song to me.
One winter night long ago.
As if coming alive in the past,
The warmth of someone's gentle arms.
The waltz of exquisite guests,
And strong horses running,

The waltz spun and carried me,
As if it's tale of me.
The first ball and the first waltz.
Resound in me right now.
Mirrors in amber.
Reflect my delight.

Someone sang at dawnbreak,
Leaving her cherished home
You will be, in December.
Again with me, darling.

(yeah my russian isn't amazing and the semi translated video was crap)