You know the drill, it's your BOY Oscar/Garu, fic writer, RPer and cosplay extraordinare.

I'm 18, male and from ye olde england

tumblr: Legolasstar
snapchat: oscarrobi
skype: bella.garu

proud owner of two spoilt dogs and two abused sewing machines

my personal cheerleading squad

the playlist to get me through the day.

ok. real crappy day. time for my gush, since i wouldn't tell my friends why i was so pissed.
so, the boy i liked was on a trip all day so i didn't see him at all. though that means i don't go into hinata mode.
i had history which is aight untill i got put in a group full of pricky douchey pum boys. they all call me names and take the piss out of me and generally piss me offsky. they said i had to do a power point, then do a speech, then act, then write a speech, then do nothing, then do a power point. so i sat there and wrote down stuff so i wouldn't have to listen to them. i hate them, they always bully me and the teacher made me go with a prick who before she's said i could slap him and i wouldn't get in trouble.
then to top it off this fucking bitch named issy rang me up on my phone and said ''aaannnnabeeeelll the bitttchy wiiitttcchh riding her broom stick up in the skyyyy ahahahahaha!'' fucking racist bitch! wtf have i ever done to her? nothing. then she goes around and tells loads of people i'm a wiccan. that's something i'm not very open about unless i know someone wont tell them. :/ i just wanna get cut up.
anywayz, here's the music i listened to in my head to get me through the day.

history and science:
break stuff-limp bizkit
my way-limp bizkit
heart on my sleeve -H20


when i see the boy i like and he says nothing to me or i'm too shy to say anything back:
say you'll haunt me-stone sour
angel in the night-basshunter

boten anna-basshunter
privject russia-basshunter
before i forget-slipknot

before i forget-slipknot
down with the sickness-disturbed


blue bird- idk (japanese bloke)
kesenai tsumi-nana kitade

poem from a while ago.

do you love me at all?
so many things where left unsaid,
idk, you love her don't you.
you're keeping me trapped in this illusion,
i just want to be free of the half truth,
the whole truth and no lies,
i love you, i do.
but i can't be with you like this,
what with you kissing her then saying you're not.
i'm not sure anymore,
i was never clever enough to care,
never dumb enough to mind.
take me and shake me awake,
leave or let me know.
i'm an empty void,
a shell of a girl,
a memory of people past,
like a cold sin.


lol, there's this girl who is dubbed the typo queen.
she sucks at spellings.
she will prolly read this because she's a nosey git.
if you're reading this then please spell britain correctly and eat a dictionary.
s-u-c-c-e-s-s that's the way you spell success!

so i got a puppy, named dobby. so the new harry pothead film is coming out. they've made it more like the book :D i'm gonna see it on the 21st. dobby is in the advert :D
nearly got a trojan today. i'm still suspicious because my mcafee told me it killed it but i'm not sure. thank god i'm a time waster on my computer. facebook and here. nothing interesting to see here mr trojan, no credit cards, no bills, nothing. suck it up bitch.



OMG HOLY CRAP! MASSIVE SPIDER ON MY SISTERS SOCK! IT'S NOT NATURAL FOR THEM TO BE THAT BIG IN THIS COUNTRY! *runs around screaming while wearing t-shirt saying ''all new subbers i am garu''*


kolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkol kolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkol kolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkol DA?!

sorry i'm obssessed with russia. da vai?