You know the drill, it's your BOY Oscar/Garu, fic writer, RPer and cosplay extraordinare.

I'm 18, male and from ye olde england

tumblr: Legolasstar
snapchat: oscarrobi
skype: bella.garu

proud owner of two spoilt dogs and two abused sewing machines

my personal cheerleading squad

being disssssaaaappppointed when looking for certain mangas :/

so i have several manga volumes that i'm desparate to buy, including alice no heart no kuni volume 4 and rozen maiden 5,6,7.
also, i went onto various websites looking for a korean manga named "dokebi bride" because i read the first volume in a library and am now in love with it but can't seem to find it ANYWHERE D':
also, my mother bought me two more mangas that are too girly for me. i know girls prolly love them though. it's full moon and fushigi yugi kenbo gaiden (or something like that) i wasn't really taken with them to be perfectly honest.
anyway. disappointment in the manga department *grumpy face*

i just discovered something cool for hg/ss

if you have a celebi on heart gold or soul siler, take it into ilex forest and talk to it. then see what it does.
if you already know about this then rar, i found out by just taking my celebi into ilex forest for lulz since it's the protector of the forest.
either way.
it was awesome for me since i just got origin forme giratina non hack on soulsilver at the ruins of alph/sinjoh ruins. i thought it would be like level was level 1 since arceus is a butt hole and makes pokemon eggs and ruins your life. the twat

skype shitted on me AKA new account for skype

skype took a shit on my account and made me make a new one.
add me, ja?

skype-dype better not do eet again






lawl, wingman

according to my cousin, i'm his wingman.
even though i'm a woman and i wouldn't be his wingman, i'd be his indian backup with a baseball bat waiting omniously in the dark alley ways