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"... That voice you hear in your head when you’re not talking is not defined by your body. That voice is truth. It is the infinite. You are more than just a body. You are a mind. So get creative. Live for that voice. Because like everyone always told you, It’s what’s on the inside that counts."

~Bunny Bennet

background art by bunny bennett


Elapsam semel occasionem non ipse potest Iuppiter reprehendere

.... I will destroy everything.

So everything's gone downhill since the last post. Like really bad.

This school thing is really affecting my family and stretching their nerves.Although my younger sister couldn't care less and is super excited her school's going (&*^!%$%@$^&$*) My mom is doing horrible, and with this combined with computer, money, and family issues, broke down crying over dinner because her order wasnt right..
And i ran away and hid in the shower.

Sorry to do this to you theO, but I'm seriously not doing so hot. I don't wanna eat or do anything. Hell, i dont even wanna SING if that tells you anything.
But im sorry for my ranting, i promise i'll be back to normal eventually.

Love you all,

The saddest day EVER.

was today. We found out that, after this year, my highschool's closing for good. Only 4 schools in the whole diocese closed, and somehow ours is on the list.
This frigging sucks.
I seriously cant beleive the place i spent three years at is gonna close for my senior year. IT's horrible. I always thought id graduate from this school, so thrilled, i juts bought my class ring like a month ago. And now shit, i have to transfer schools.
On top of that, the elementary school i graduated from is closing as well. So in one day, i lost two of the buildings i spent 9 months a year in. And my younger sister goes to that school....

It was so sad when they told us too. Everyone, boys and girls, cried so bad. It was awful. And the fact that most of us would now have to leave all of our friends a year earlier than we already had to sucks as well.

There's the slimist chance that the school could stay open, the bishop can determine a school to stay. But the biggest chance is it's closing. For good.

So cross your fingers for me, HalfwayVamped, Kitsunex7, suicidal dreamer, kyoyukizane, and any other members who go to my school that we'll stay open. None of us want to go.

At all.


~sad little Alex :(

Speaking of which....

Do you just record your voice doing a voice meme?
or do you make a video...?

ASK AWAY YO~ Voice meme!

I'm gonna try this voice meme thing?
Hahaha im not sure what to do here, but i'll give it a shot.
I'll answer anything you throw at me ;)



Im supposed to be writing an english paper XD
but i dont wanna...
I normally get them done in about an hour, but for some reason i just cant figure out how to make it flow.. -.-

I came here to distract myself
