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"... That voice you hear in your head when you’re not talking is not defined by your body. That voice is truth. It is the infinite. You are more than just a body. You are a mind. So get creative. Live for that voice. Because like everyone always told you, It’s what’s on the inside that counts."

~Bunny Bennet

background art by bunny bennett


Elapsam semel occasionem non ipse potest Iuppiter reprehendere

My face from the fair!

So on saturday a photographer came up and asked to use me in a shoot, and i agreed. The pictures are up as of yesterday, he does some pretty good work!

Anyway, i edited the one up top a little bit, because i had some crazy eye makeup on because i'd been bored when i was getting ready. If you want to see my crazy makeup in all of its glory, the rest of the pictures are HERE

i had a lot of fun :)


well, some of them :)
but Steam Powered Giraffe was playing in the next state over, so I went to the convention and on friday i met bunny, paige, and michael and it was fucking exciting!
and then on saturday michael hugged me out of no where, and then i saw paige again and carolina selling merch when i went to buy things.
and then the concert!!!!!!!!



My doll has a face finally! i was waiting on the volks-zoukei to come in the mail, so it took a little while ><

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anyway, I'm pretty proud for my first try doing doll makeup, there's a few errors but I'll work on it :)

Is it bad i want another one?

my doll!

I still have to do her face up/restring her, but there she is!

I'm so happy :3

She just doesn't have a name ><

Help please?

hi everyone! Next week my older sister will be in the Relay for Life supporting the American Cancer Society. She’s currently 50 dollars in to her 100$ goal, and it would really mean a lot if anyone could help support her!

If you have a few extra dollars to spare, please help support my sister and the fight to end cancer by clicking here

Thank you to anyone who donates! <3

so amanda is now 70$ in, only 30 more to go! I'm also offering to take any donation made by anyone on this website and double it. So if you donate say 10$, I'll donate 20$, etc :) thank you, it would mean alot for anyone to help out!