I hate titles.

GRRRR, I also hate starting posts. What the hell do I write? XD
Well, I'm listening to Broken by Seether, and I'm addicted to it :) Such a good song. Listen to it. Now. Go. Hurry. :)
Also, I was riding yesterday, and I cantered (sp?) It was AMAZING! I had to use a crop on the horse, and I don't like them, but Wizard (I rode a different horse than Cali yesterday) didn't want to listen to me :) And before my lesson I went around to a bunch of horses I knew, and I met a new one. His names River, and he's the biggest sweetheart ever :)
Oops, song change. Already Over by Red. Also great song :)
I get ice cream after my swim meet tonight. YEEESSSSSSS!
I'm also gonna kick Walmart's ass.
Adios amigos!
