Goodbye Safety! (ಠ_ಠ)

Actually, it was probably goodbye safety when we moved here 5 years ago. So, we moved in, and discovered my neighbor who lives behind us is actually... Not right in the head. We figured that one right off. And this started the awful things, past and present, that he's done. I'll list them in no specific order:
1. Terrified my dogs, so that they can't stand the sound of clapping (he claps CONSTANTLY), motorcycles (he rides them), and being outside. He lunges at them, claps, purposely stands and teases them, and we thunk he even hurts them when we're not around. My poor babies T.T
2. he runs down the sidewalk and throws shovel-fills of cat poop into our yard and the street. Where he gets it, no one knows.
3. He's attacked my other neighbor's house and car with his crutches. So bad that she had to get new siding and car repairs. No one knows why he targets her.
4. He attacked the man who used to live across the street with a baseball bat.
5. He drives like a maniac. We've been behind him on the road before.
6. He just... Stands in front of his house sometimes. Others he'll be just digging, playing with rocks, etc.
7. He gets in loud, cursing, screaming fits with his mother (they live together) so bad that we have to send my lil sister inside.
8. He randomly yells sometimes...
9. And finally, today he threw rocks and a firecracker at the house from number 3, shattering her glass door. She wasn't home, and still probably doesn't know. The police were called.

And, that's all that I know. I think he's been in jail 3 times, and is filed under mental problems. Urgh. We're all so freaked out now.
