Still spazzing!

Warning! Don't read if you have problems with hooks, blood, injuries, etc. THAT MEANS YOU SARAH.

So, it's been great here for these two days ^^ I definitely don't wanna leave.
This morning we went crabbing, then after we fished. :D
Fishing, i caught 2plastic bags, 4 crabs, the dock, and myself.
How did I catch myself?
Through. My. Eyelid.
Seriously, the hook got caught in my eyelid. It hurt like a bitch, and I had a freakout on the inside. Outside, I was "ummm.... Oh my god it's in my lid"
so my family spazzed. I managed to calm myself to get the hook out. Luckily it didn't go all the way through, but it still bled a little.
I'm still kinda freaking out about it.

I'm so burnt now too, I can't wait until it turns into tan ^^
how are all of you?
