
"America, why the devil did you drag me out here?" I gripped my jacket closer to me, "I'm freezing my arse off!"

"Dude, free burgers!" The little wanker said as he plunged into the awful weather. I couldn't beleive him sometimes!
It all started when I woke up from a lovely dream to find America standing over me with a bucket of water.

"Yo England, wake up!" He yelled in my face, gettting ready to dump the whole bloody bucket on me. I bolted upright and pushed him away.

"America, what the bloody hell do you think you're doing?!" I yelled, and then thinking for a minute, "... How in God's name did you get in here?"

"Spare key dude!" He held it up smiling. "I called you like a thousand time and you totally ignored me bro!"

"I was sleeping!" I growled, completely not in the right humor for this. "What do you want anyway?" He held a flyer practically against my face.

"They're givin away free cheeseburgers all day dude!" He was jumping up and down at this point. "Hurry up and get dressed!"

I finally glanced at the clock, 6 a.m.? "Blimey America, you're never out of bed 'till 3 in the evening. Why AJiahla;hfahi are you here in the morning?!"
"We gotta be the first in line! Now get dressed dude!" He all about exploded before he sprinted out of the room and clomped down the stairs.

"Oh, bugger." I muttered, throwing on clothes. I suppose i shouldn't go, but there's really no way to get America to piss off. I sighed, straightened myself in the mirror, and left the room.

And that brings me back to here, hiking out in freezing weather to get him free food.

"Britain, dude, hurry up!" He yelled over his shoulder.

"Shove it arsehole." I muttered. He turned around, walked behind me, and grabbed me up. "America... What in blazes are you doing, you twit?!"

"You were walking to slow!" He complained, but i saw something wierd in his expression- triumph? I realized struggling would get me no where, so i gave up on the spot. Thankfully, no one else was out on the streets, so there wasnt a huge issue. And, Though I regret to say it, it was really warm there. And nice. And-
Oh bullox.


Finally, the traumatic trip was over, and we arrived out side of the store.
"See bro? We're the first one's here!" He smiled, hands on his hips- his favorite pose.

"Im pretty sure we'll probably be the only people here..." I glanced around, hoping to see any of my friends, preferrably on of the flying green rabbit type. Sadly, they were probably all still sleeping. "By the way America, when does this place open?"

"Exactly 6 hours from now!" He cheered, checking his watch. "Dude I can hardly wait!"

"6..... HOURS?!?" Bloody hell, he's a madman!

"Yupp! And to pass the time I brought some totally kick-ass video games!"

Oh dear god save me.
I can't complain to much, I suppose. It'd been a while since I'd gotten out, and I hadn't seen America in a while either. It was lovely to finally spend a day with him, no matter how grouchy i was. So, although i was tired, cold, and cranky, it was all worth it when the store opened.

"Finally! Oh my god this is gonna be so freaking great!"

I couldnt help but smile- he was like a kid in a candy store! Or.. a grown man in a burger joint.

We grabbed a table, and i walked behind him as he practicallly ran up to the counter to order. We got our grub, and sat together, just talking about nothing in specific. I guess you could say, as I watched him eat (God, he eats a ridiculous amount..), I couldnt help but feel proud of the man he grew up to be. I bit into my burger and chewed it, thinking this over. hmmmm...
"Britain, dude you got food all over your face!" He laughed for a little, and then suddenly leaned in closely. I froze.
Bloody hell....


Merry Christmas To Romanos Vixen!
Here's the USUK fanfic ^^
Sorry if the characters arent spot on, this is the first hetalia ff I've written ^^'
Im sure you can imagine what happens next ;)
Hope you like it! Let me know if you want more/something different :D

