Spencer Hudson was a rebel boy who lived in a big blue house. However, this was a special house, because it was also a flower shop, but they have chickens and sometimes goats and ponies outside. There was one small problem with this family though, and that being, they were all color defficient. So during a conversation with Tes, Mel, Fre, Cla, and I, we were discussing this, and we concluded that a flower shop must be rather difficult to run when you can't see colors, so while thinking up the possibilites, we decided that they must have to ask what color the flowers are, and what do ridiculously nerdy minds mixed with a mutual love of british comedy create?
"Strapping young lad, what color are these flowers?"
Oh yes we did.
I will now weave the tale of Ghandi the Donut Boy. Ther once was a boy. One with a limited vocabulary, for he didn't know what heterosexual(sp?) meant, let alone that he was one. Apparently, however, he attracted the affections of a good friend of mine. It's possibly cause he's the only African American (Its Correctastic!) kid on the block besides the other one who's a grey markt soda dealer. (50cents a can, kids). But he has no intrest in her, least not that he affects, and he fails. I have absolutely no idea why I call him Donut Boy. I intend to continue charactorization and funny stories bout Ghandi, cause its so damn fun.
The SpiffySporkPerson was not informed of this.
Sounds like fun... I guess.
Can I do elaborate intro and layout? :D