I found this while looking at random fanfictions. Hilarious.
He had made her moan
He had made her groan
He had made her beg
Made her plead for him to stop
Gotten inside her and wouldn’t go away
Made her weak inside and out
Unleashed his poison within her mind
Had made her head dizzy and her thoughts light
All in one night
Made her tremble, and all her defenses fell
Had bedded her for a week, taken all her strength
She ached with pain and cursed his name.
No one saw it coming, no one thought it true
That the Nara had given Temari the flu.
Reardon family vacations are like boot camp. Anywho, we went on vacation so that my brother could look at colleges. I thought that this was a waste of time, seeing as my brother will never get into any of the colleges that we looked at. So...they ditched me at the condo and went off to see colleges. I walked over to "Le Club" (real name), and looked around for something to do. This senile old man who worked there approached me, and pointed out various points of interest in Le Club. Every time he said something he felt the need to slap me heartily on the back, until I pretty much ran away from him. Anywho, I travelled along and got whapped in the face with a purse that I'm sure I had bricks with it. The lady who owned the purse did not see what happened, even though it had been swinging on her arm.
To make up for the fact that I had pain all over, I bought a pixie stick and went back to the condo. The pixie stick was 34 inches long. Needless to say, I went on a sugar high. I don't think annyone has ever seen me on a sugar high, but let me tell you, I'm even more psychotic than I am without sugar. And I will kil anyone who takes away my sugar. Just a warning to you people.
Hey, hey, hey, still new to Version Vibrant, so is there any way to get rid of the thingy in the middle. Yes, no, maybe?