So... have you ever had one of those moments where you're standing by a group of kids and they're talking about, you know, just one of those super fantastic geek movies and then one of the kids says, "Yeah that one character guy person was really cool." And of course you HAVE to interject and say, "Um yeah that's Thorin son of Thrane son of Thror." Then they all look at you like you crazy so you don't bother mentioning that you can write your name in Elvish. (I'm only using Lord of the Rings for an example because I just watched the extended version of The Two Towers...)
Anyway there is no shame in having some of those geeky moments! I am not a hard-core geek, myself, but I do share many of those moments with an always unsuspecting crowd. And so I would also like to make very clear that I am not, in fact, a geek. I am simply geektastic.
geek-n: 1. a person often of an intellectual bent who is disliked. 2. a person who is so passionate about a given subject or subjects as to occasionally cause annoyance among others.
geektastic-adj: marked by fantastic geek qualities; a compliment of the highest regard.
Shiza- Well guys I haven't been on theO in forever! Partially because I have been doing more school work than I thought possible and also because my scanner is in the garage...
But anyway! It's geek time.
What did y'all think of the Desolation of Smaug?
I went and saw the midnight premiere, in my hobbit costume as promised, and actually it was the double feature so 6 hours of Hobbit, it was a good time. I confess though, the first time I saw the Desolation of Smaug I was a bit disappointed. I liked it more the second time but I think that if I wasn't so in love with so many of the Hobbit characters I wouldn't want to watch the movie again. It was brilliant action! But too much action? I think that movie fans would like the second Hobbit more than the first because it was faster pace, but perhaps fans that read the book would like the first Hobbit movie more, as I did. Anyway I'd love to hear your thoughts if you've seen it and if you haven't then you should. Bard was perfect, and Thorin was even more majestic if that's possible. Should we talk about the Tauriel and Kili thing? Mmmm let's not.
Alright and what about Thor 2? I know that was a while ago...
I think that even though the movie didn't make much sense, as most superhero movies don't, it was very enjoyable and Captain America's surprise appearance was the best!!
MARVEL is releasing quite a few movies this spring, including the next installment of Captain America, The Amazing Spiderman, and a crazy X Men movie that will mix the younger X Men from First Class in with the classic X Men. I'm pretty excited about it all :)
Doctor Who anyone? Did you LOVE the 50th? Did you cry during the Christmas episode?
Back to the Hobbit for a mo- Peter Jackson moved his original release date for the third movie There And Back Again from July to December. So it will becoming out around the same time as the other movies did rather than earlier in the summer.
I wrote a research paper on Star Trek the Original Series for school... that was fun.
Honestly, I don't really want to talk about it right now, I probably will in future posts.
These are a couple of my favorite pictures though... People are so funny.
I'm just praying that Benedict Cumberbatch does NOT get a part in the next Star Wars episode.
No I did not make this, I don't have that kind of talent. I just wanted to remind you all again that it's coming. And I'll be there, hope to see you too.