Top 10 Anime OP/ED

10. Last Exile [ED]
“Over the Sky” – Hitomi
The beautiful imagery and equally ethereal sound are a perfect way to wind down after an episode.

9. Samurai 7 [ED]
“Fuhen” – Rin’
I would sit down and let the credits play just to enjoy the music. The imagery is subtle, but reflects the mood pretty well.

8. Monster [OP]
“Grain” – Kuniaki Haishima
The song is very unique and definitely sets the tone of tension for the show (which, by the way, I would NOT recommend watching). The images also offer a good taste of the story without giving too much away.

7. Yona of the Dawn [OP 1]
“Akatsuki no Yona” – Ryo Kunihiko
This opening perfectly sets the stage for the show it represents – in tone, tension and beauty. Though the images are mainly a montage, it catches interest and works up just enough anticipation for story developments.