A scientific discovery is never inherently good or evil. It is always the choice of people how to use it.

In the year 2050, a discovery has been made. We have named it Genesis. A new process allowing easy creation of new life, and modification of exiting life. By the year 2056 it began to have commercial application. It brought a new wave of medical technology, and food production. Arid lands were able to become fertile. It was the most important discovery ever achieved.

The US military adopted the Genesis in 2057 for weapon usage. There were two separate chains their research broke into:

Progress: This chains purpose was to modify humans to become better combatants. Increased strength, new limbs, abilities beyond anything human.

Spread: This chains goal is to create new plants that could be used as traps or ingredients. Flowers that gave off powerful poisons, or ensnare their enemies.

These were able to put the US military far ahead of any other on Earth. It wasn't long before other countries began developing their own weapons through genesis though. To avoid being surpasses in 2060 they opened a new chain of research.

Spawn: The goal of this new chain was to develop entirely new animals to join fight for them. The program was a great success.

The US military soon after stopped training its own soldiers and replaced them with creatures from Spawn. By the year 2065 the military had less than 500 soldier remaining in service.

Other countries were rushed in their process of catching up to the US. The rush made them sloppy, with frequent lab accidents making headlines. In 2071 there was reported to be a major accident in North Korea. A plant animal mix had escaped their labs. This report was ignored by the majority of the public, and government. The creation has now been named surge by us.

The surge began to spread quickly afterwards. The US ignored the problem knowing they would have an easy victory against them. Our military lost their easy victory in 2076 when the surge developed parasite to control creations of spawn. The newly thrown together militairy was ill trained, and no match for the surge.

This is 2081. We now know the purpose of the surge was vast replication and diversification with a need to kill built into their DNA. The surge now comes in millions of forms, they can live in sea, air, or on ground. They live as diseases, animals, plants, and parasite. They kill their weak to insure only the strong will survive.

Human civilization has nearly been crushed. If it wasn't due to the recent advances in the research of "Progress" and "Spread" the last of our civilization would have been wiped out. The US now consists of three cities each surround by a wall and protected by a military force. The three cities have diplomatic issues between them, but are forced to work together to insure survival.

Haven: Source of most food and farming. This city is the largest of the three, and in the worst shape. The least influential of the cities due to the others being able to provide some food for their people already.

Magnate: Source of energy and oil. Smallest of the three cities, and in the best shape. Is the most influential of the three due to the abundance of oil. Without this city the others would be left without energy.

Service (This is where you'll be starting.): The military city. Between the other two cities in size and condition. The location of all research. Near the same amount of influence of Magnate due to the protection they provide being essential. They have been known and criticized for doing modifications to children. They require anyone between the age of 18 to 40 in their city capable of joining the military to do so. Anyone not capable of doing so would be forced to leave the city.

"Now you're applying for the military aren't you? Here's an application. Please fill it out." (Application)

"Here are some rules to stick to." (Rules)

"You also might want some educational material." (Creatures)

"A few more things to get acquainted with." (Terminology)

"As if you didn't already know. Here is some info on the cities." (Cities)

"Here is a list of your superiors and other important people."(A list of characters that will show up every now and then. No one writes from their perspective.)

"These are the people you will be serving with." (Cast and Crew)

"Also, take this in case you don't know the area that well." (Map)

"Any questions?" (Q&A)

"So you know more about your leader." (Squad Leader Powers)

What's your first impression on your squad-mates? (Relationships)

"Lastly, I have one more form for you to fill out." (Quiz)

By the way, don't mess with these guys. (Stern Members)

To Do

Create your OC pic.

@[email protected]'M BLIIIIND!!!!

~Rei~ I covered my eyes and sighed. "Well...now that I can't see...can one of you please tell me...can you see the leeches that are behind us?" I heard the click of the light again and the sound of Seth shooting at the leeche...

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~Seth I didn't even bother to lean out of the car. After it had been made clear where to shoot,I just leaned out the door and shot. Bam. Got one. Bam. Got another. Bam. Got one more. "Woo! This is pretty fun!" I yelled,shooti...

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~Rei~ I smiled as Des flew up into the air. Seth started picking off leeches to shoot. She was a good shot, and managed to hit those little bumps each time. I could pull out my pistol, but I know for a fact I'm not as good a ...

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*This title exploded in the background while Des walked away dramatically*

Kaboom. *dramatic music here* ~Des We arrived quickly at the Solar plant, and holy sh*t it was worse than I was expecting. Slugs were everywhere, and slime trails where they weren't. When Seth pulled over, I got out quickly, stretchi...

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The one where Charles barely appears.

~Charles K'satri made her way over. The other leeches were acting a bit like cowards, avoiding the area around K'satri. The Leech behind her, that she had lit on fire, seemed to lose whatever tension held it together, and spread out incr...

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