Desmine Lopez

Username: kyouyarenge

Full name: Desmine Lopez

Nickname: Des, Dessy, Angel (but doesn't like the latter)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Picture: External Image

City of Origin: Magnate

Genetic Modifications: Giant (working) eagle wings (mostly brown with white tips), that, when folded, arch above her head and nearly brush the ground. Arms are also unnaturally strong, and eye sight his insanely good at long range

Abilities/ Powers: Flight, amazing vision with a super long range

Weapons: Long bow, cross bow, arrows (of all different tips from diamond to bone to poisoned.)

Hair: Shaggy, short, and a medium brown. Des's hair is almost always a fluffy mess, no matter if she tries combing it down or not.

Clothing: Brown tank top, white skinny jeans, and ratty, beat up brown converse. During the winter has a big, heavy brown jacket with holes torn for her wings

Other Physical Descriptions: Skin isn't quite tanned Mexican dark, but definitely not pale either, so it's almost like an ivory tone. Bust is about a C, and she stands about 5'6" from head to toe. She weighs, even with her wings, only about 105 lbs.

Personality: Quiet and watchful. She's usually serious but pretty nice and helpful, but she can also be annoyed quite easily, and she's not afraid AT ALL to let you know it. Brave, and not afraid to stand up for what she believes in or to put herself in danger to save others, especially friends.

Skills: Archery of any sort.

Likes: Friends, flying, being helpful to others, fish (as food)

Dislikes: Watching friends hurt, lazy people who make her do all the work, having to fight close range

Family: Father works with the oil company back in Magnate as a higher up, mother used to be a more physical laborer for the company, but she died when Des was small. No siblings that she's aware of.

Friends: TBD

Significant Other: TBD

Fears: Claustrophobic, uncontrolled falling, electricity.

Back-story: Des watched as her mother was killed by Spawn when she was little, and so willing left Magnate to join the military. As a kid, she was a little messed up from the experience, but she got it under control as a teen, supposedly. She was still suspected of violent outbursts, so her father recommended the military as being "good for her". Not that she ever really cared for or even knew her father well, but she decided to take his advise.

Other: It's not sure yet, but she may still have some less than sane backlashes in times of extreme stress left over from her childhood and teen years.
