K'satri Beins

Username: HalfwayVamped(call me HV or sarah)

Full name: K'satri Beins

Nickname: Beiny, Satri

Age: 20

Gender: Female


City of Origin: Service

Genetic Modifications: She can breathe in highly toxic places and underwater.

Abilities/ Powers: Breathing in toxic places, and poisoning people via awful awful cooking.

Weapons: A wooden stave that clips to her back.

Hair: Long, blonde, and pulled into a french braid.

Clothing: A black bandeau and black/white stripped tights with red shorts over top.

Other Physical Descriptions: Hip and stomach piercings.

Personality: Tolerant of others, short-sighted, curious to a fault, tactless, loyal, squeamish.

Skills: Walking silently, whistling like a bird, knocking people out, ventriloquism.

Likes: Singing, exploring, eaiting good food.

Dislikes: Being bossed around, eating bad food.

Family: Mom, Dad, Sister

Friends: People tend to leave her alone...

Significant Other: None

Fears: Pastafarians, the Cat Apocalypse

Back-story: Pretty average.

Other: Nay
