Chuckles the Sensitive Clown

If you feel like it you can pick a theme song for your character. It's completely unneeded field though. I must put a shout out to vamped who found the best theme song for Charles ever. I will always feel like Charles is singing the male portion.

Also, someone was wondering about my opinion about posting frequency. My basic idea of how often you post is determined by what's going on. For example, the short bit we just had happened over a few minutes, and kept everyone on relatively the same timeline. So spam posting is ok. If you were to say post so much that you were starting to get days ahead of people, then we would have a problem.

Important: I want everyones votes in for squad leader by the end of tomorrow. (2/3/2012) I will be posting the getting of the train post on the day after. (2/4/2012) I've also put ending dates for all the contests. If you need a little bit more time on the contests, feel free to ask. I'll most likely move it. Finally, if you're not going to enter a contest, you can still vote for one of the others who have entered.


Grr, Desmine's jealousy has insured that I can't take the straight forward approach to win my love. Also, who is this Steve anyways. He must be pretty amazing for her to be willing to pick him over me. She maybe even... gave him a dust bunny. NO! I can't give up, I'm better than any other guy around. I just need to be smart about this.

Let's see, how can I work around direct interaction...

I know, I will show her how much of a nice sensitive guy I can be. Rei seems a little angry from his incompetence with K'satri, I could try to cheer him up. I shall be a diplomat and win him over, thus winning 'Satri over. Diplomat... Charles the Diplomat... Chuckles the Diplomatic Ninja. Soon enough I will have a title fit to describe my greatness.

I went to sit over by Rei, he seemed to still be moody. He gave me a look of the need for help. It actually looked a little bit like a death glare, but I'm sure that's cause he has creepy furry eyes. Now to choose my words carefully, he's obviously sensitive. "Listen... I'm sorry pal." His eyes widened, it's working already. "It must be hard being a furry..." this should make sure he knows I'm personalizing it just for him. I'm so thoughtful. "I shouldn't be so discriminate. I promise I'll buy you some fish after our mission." This actual feels pretty good, I could see being nice to him.

"You..." What is he going to say? are the greatest? are the best? are handsome? deserve 'Satri?
"can go die in a hole."

What, but I offered fish!!! Ungrateful furry. No, we can't be getting mean now. This is a new more sensitive Charles. "I understand you're afraid to embrace your furry hood. Think people won't accept you for who you are." Is he getting madder? "It must be hard not being completely human, but not a great furry either. I mean lacking the ears or tail, you're almost not a furry, but only almost."

"You have about ten seconds before I melt your smug face off."

Oh crap, I've insulted is furryhood. It is my guess that this is a great offense to his people. "I'm basically trying to say I'm sorry for everything. I know you'll forgive me, and that's why I think we'll get along well furry."


My god Charles logic is fun to write. It is especially easy when sleep deprived.
