Well yeah, the title says it all. I'm a very busy person when it comes to making things around Christmas time, and omgee, there's only 3 days left O///o
Help me D:
Anyways, I managed to finish my main Christmas video, which is now up on youtube. But, I have individual amv's to make for my closest friends. Here is da list:
-Jennifer (My Roleplay buddy <3)
-Chris (My little brother)
-Angel (My best friend)
-Rikku (The other best friend xD)
...many many more.
I also have wallpaper/youtube layout requests for people D: I have finished one, but I still have to send it *fail*
Other than that, I really need to update and add more art onto DeviantArt, Red Leather needs some stuff. Yes, I am a Genesis Rhapsodos fan. He is the man @@/ I have been in Red Leather for a really long time. Writing fanfics and doing wallpapers for the group and also expanding it to have an amv group on youtube ^^ Which has some amazing editors already :D Thanks guys!
I also need to scan my new artwork, I'm SO glad I'm getting a new graphics tablet for Christmas, my other one broke and I haven't been able to upload anything for a long time D: My pixiv account looks dead X___x Eeep.
Well as I type this I am actually at school, I'm so glad they haven't blocked this site, I can't get onto my emails or anything X_x Bleh stupid school.
Oh yeah, I need to take my dogs for a walk when I get home. Woot. In da snow we go! 8D