
I thought I had fallen into darkness and yet I could clearly remember Jim’s parents leaving the room as armed guards arrived to keep watch. A conversation between them that attempts to escape were only to be met with a lesson being taught instead of death. Death? Why are they so eager to kill? What are they hiding? Why are they telling the guards I have valuable information when I do not? The rest of the conversation was beyond my understanding and a moment later I realized that I must have fallen asleep as I was now lying on my back with the blankets covering me. A quick look at the clock on the wall showed that I had been asleep for six hours.

A lingering haze which I could only assume was caused by whatever had been in the tea, still had me in it’s grasp as I fought to shake it off. It took a while but I was finally able to sit up and though I did not recall seeing them the night before, there was a sword and shield hanging on one of the walls. My mind could not seem to penetrate the oddness of this fact and I moved to take them. I could hold the sword just fine, but even though whatever the maid had put on my wound had helped tremendously, I had no strength and could not hold the shield with my left arm. With a shrug I dropped it onto the bed and started looking for another way out.

There was a separate door leading to what had to be the bathroom and the thought occurred to me that I could make use of the window, if there even was one. Since unless something had changed, it was likely that the armed guards were still outside the door and I had no desire to open it to find out. I opened the door only to jump back in surprise when confronted by two skeletal creatures inside! A moment later and I slammed into the wall, pain blossomed from my injured shoulder upon contact and my vision began to gray.

As if deprived of air I was breathing harsh and deep until finally my vision cleared to the two creatures still standing where they were. Confused as to why they did not attack I raised my sword, intending to strike, but my downward slash met with a laugh and then empty air. Movement caused me to turn hastily towards the bed as the creature had simply reappeared in the main room, glaring at me with hateful eyes.

It was a feeling more than anything else, one that I could do nothing against them, and yet at the same time I couldn’t stay near them. It was with a careful watch that I moved along the wall towards the door, halting at the sound of the guards leaving, how I knew that the replacements for the current guard was not there yet I don’t know. I only knew they weren’t there and the moment I was sure it was clear I slipped outside into the hallway, closing the door behind me.

As quickly as possible to avoid being seen I moved to the closest door instead of continuing down the long hallway. The next room was every bit as startling as the creatures as the entire room was made of gold. There was a maid there watching a young girl who was playing with one of the skeletal creatures that was the size of a small doll. It was as if they could not see what was wrong or that it was alive, but it’s hateful gaze in my direction chilled me and I turned to leave at once, intending to head the other way down the hall.

I had no sooner closed the door and taken a few steps in the direction away from the bedroom when several of the creatures came around the corner, heading my way. I turned towards the room I had just been in but the door was now locked. A thread of panic began to form in my mind when movement made me realize that the two of them in the bedroom were coming towards my location.

There was another door, but as I made a short run for it, the creatures moved with surprising speed, blocking my path. Now what? I froze in place, uncertain as to what I should do.