Well, well... News, news, and more news. Well... not really. But whatever. Updates on my life are as follows:
TheOtaku : Yeah, I check it everyday, constantly reading/checking posts from friends and subscribed peoples. I will hopefully get to making some new wallpapers and get my two drawings up. I can't take a picture with the phone as the resolution is a bit too small and I get the feeling it would get rejected because of that. So yeah. *Also, I may be making a new world after I post this. FFXI log book >>:3
MyOtaku : Ok, I'll admit it. I haven't even TOUCHED MyO in only God knows how long. I normally just post here, but I am probably going to post something there eventually. Dunno when though ...
FallenSword : Ok, I lied. I came back and now my guild understands my scedule and how things work on my end. They trust me to come back and I trust them not to kick me instantly. ^.^ So yeah. My Avi Shop is also taking off. If you are on FS and need one, contact me. Player Search : TalonBreak
Final Fantasy XI: Online : Yeah... I'll be making a world for all this when I finish giving updates for teh rest of my stuffz. Too many things to say and too many details so yeah. I'll also be giving random tid bits of info for the game when I get it up and running.
IMVU : Yeah, I'm still there. Drama has kinda been everywhere but I've dealt with it and now things are slowly returning to normal. I'm also deving now. :3 Yep. I have two scythes up and am working on a set of twin blades at the request of a friend. Then I have a set of armor to re-texture for a friend and a dress to make as a wedding gift to another. So yeah. Busy busy busy, but always up for a good conversation. Just tell me who ya' are so I know who I am talking to. lol
MidnightBlackOut : Yes, my site is being neglected. I need to go track down all my wallpapers and upload them. I will try to do that soon.
FanFiction.net : Yeah, still alive here as well. I need to update it, but writter's block is a cruel thing...
!*FictionPress.net*! : Yes. I am now on FP.net as well. I have a story that I am turning into an original, as it was originally a fanfic. Still working on fixing it though, when I get it fixed, I'll update you here.
Whooosh... Lots of things going on. But yeah, I'm still here. Working from school at the moment, as my lappy is at home and I am at school. lol But anyway. Have fun! Off to create my FFXI journal >:3
Ikara-o-Kage --
Talon & Fang ---