
An overnight stay reveals why a man's grieving brother has become such a recluse:

It’s just a random stain, I thought as I tore the pillowcase off so I could wash it in the morning. Just a coincidence. I let the pillowcase fall to the floor, and that’s when I noticed the footprints.

They meandered in from the hall, came all the way to the bed, then turned around and left the room. They weren’t neat prints with every toe clearly marked; they were smudged and blurred and red.

They had also definitely not been there when I left to wash my face.

Read the rest here:

Unit 319

This ghost story is about a man who moves into a creepy apartment that seems a little too empty. Soon, he wishes it was emptier.

Unit 319

Good Morning

A man spends the night at a small village inn to memorialize a past tragedy. This year, however, the past has come for him. Here's an excerpt:

The darkness in front of us splits, and a pair of blinding orbs appears from nowhere. There’s an awful sound: squealing, bellowing, screaming. I feel like knives are stabbing my ears, I can’t tell which way is up.

We aren’t rushing through the darkness anymore. Everything’s perfectly quiet. I think I’m upside down, and there’s something dripping in front of me.

That’s the rest of the dream, just me staring at the source of the dripping, staring and not believing it’s all that’s left of her.

Read all of Good Morning here.

Two Ghost Stories

It's been a long time since I've been active on here. Primarily it's because most of the stuff I do isn't really "otaku-ish", but I'm going to try to at least keep this world updated.

I've written a lot of ghost stories since my last post, and I won't list them all here, the the most recent ones. If you want to catch up on everything I've written, you can find it all here.

Here are my two most recent stories:

Garringer's Dog
Two friends embark on a harrowing chase through the woods one night, “hounded” by a spectral killer.

A young girl follows a strange noise into an empty bedroom where she finds her grandma sitting in a rocking chair, muttering nonsense.

Please enjoy.