This is a world for my gijinka and is mostly aimed toward the Poke Gijinka Revolution club. =3 I'll post stuff involving my gijinka. You can find out stuff about Abbie and Raine! =D

Abbie: What if we don't have tails...?! oAo;

Raine: We both have tails, Aberius-kun...

Abbie: But Raltses aren't supposed to have tails! OAO;;

Me: Small insignificant details *waves hand* =^V^=



Aberius' Profile
Raine's Profile

Other Things

PGR Relationships: Aberius
PGR Relationships: Raine

Stories So Far -- All stories of Aberius and Raine from start to present
Memories of the Past Archive -- List of all the Memories of the Past Posts (Aberius' Backstory)

PGR Related

Pokemon Gijinka Revolution - Our current club =3 Fun times to be had~
Poke Gijinka Revolution- The previous club World =D
PGR Poke Store-For when you feel like your PGR gijinka just doesn't have enough, shop here! XD

Where Oh Where...?

~*~Kitty and Aberius are traveling~*~

Me: Say Abbie?

Aberius: *turns head* Hm...?

Me: Haven't you been wondering what you're dad's been up to all these years?

Aberius: Not really... He said he had something really important to do. I don't hold it against him, he's probably off warning someone of a disaster.

Me: Ah, I see... But wait, isn't that him over there...?

Aberius: What? What are you talking abou... HEY!! D=<

Alterius: Hm? *turns around* Oh, hey Bear! *laughs loudly* How've you been?!

Aberius: You leave me for TEN YEARS and you're out here flirting with women?!?!?! *string of expletives* DDDXX

Alterius: Hey, Bear, it's not what it looks like... ^_^; *Absol chicks are all over him*

Me: Hm... I guess I know where Abbie gets his lacadaisical nature from... =-_-;= *walks off*

Aberius: What?! No! D=> *turns to Alterius* This is your fault!

Alterius: *being pawed by Absol chick* ... No seriously, I could use some help... ^_^;;;

Almost Here

March 15th is just around the corner...! D= To be honest, I'd planned to post my prep posts at the beginning of the prior week, but there were midterms and projects to be done, so I never found a chance... orz So I'll try my best to catch up by posting for Aberius Saturday, posting for Raine Sunday, and then Monday will be the main event, I think X3 It's Spring Break, so I can say I have a little leeway even if I do have projects to work on... orz

Until tomorrow, mata ne!

Raine Lookalike 2

Okay, so Lux mentioned that the girl looked like Raine except for the hair... Soo, with a little alteration...

Raine's in an anime! =eUe=

Also, this happened to be taken after Xio got hungry and mutilated Raine XD Okay, well, maybe not mutilated, but she was pretty shaken up and needed some stitches. Thanks a lot, Xio... My insurance rates went up thanks to you XD

Raine: ;_; Kitty-sama, don't aggravate him...

I Found a Raine Lookalike! =D

I was watching the Weiss Kreuz OAV and when I saw this girl, I thought "OMG IT'S RAINE!! D=>" Lol well see for yourself...

External Image

External Image

Doesn't she look like Raine? X3

Raine: ... O/.//O


I finished reading a couple chapters for one of my classes, so I thought I'd get back to Raine's post... I'm on page 7 and I don't think I'm even halfway there XD;; Lol, nah, maybe a bit more than halfway, but I still need to go through the events. For now, I am sleepy and I shall head to bed. Ja ne *bows*